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348.78 Kb
tpINSTA_FX is a simple Nuke gizmo developed with the aim to bring the Instagram’s photographic filters into the video footages.
2.27 Kb
alexaFilmMatrix serves as in-camera "Film Look" features, it can remove/add unitentended shift of primary colors ... can be used on it's own to simulate more filmic look by matrixing the primaries as well.
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Gizmo with simulation of using Kodak intermediate and print material, accompanied with 3D LUT to do the transform.
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Bluescreen spill supression with complex settings.
13.90 Kb
Color mapping tool, perform color transform based on MacBeth primaries, includes chart overlay with expected colors.
13.90 Kb
Color mapping tool, perform color transform based on MacBeth primaries, includes chart overlay with expected colors.
3.52 Kb
Handy tool for creating and adjusting Vignette corrections by Den Gheiko
1.93 Kb
A kind of DaVinci Resolve 'Hue Vs Hue', 'Hue Vs Sat' and 'Hue Vs Lum' color correction tool
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Adds 'vibrance' to an image by boosting saturation in less-saturated areas. Adjust threshold, vibrance, & mix sliders to taste to give your final renders a little 'kick'.