Colo(u)r RSS
26.71 Kb
Matches colors of two input images or neutralizes to a reference colorspace target using one of the common color charts (eg. MacBeth ColorChecker)
32.86 Kb
Replication of the ever popular Instagram filters.
54.40 Kb
A little gizmo to help get an average colour from a selected trackable area. #Usage video will be up soon.
18.59 Kb
Make a fake atmosphere pass with the Zdepth information
1.32 Kb
Rotation Matrix For Rotate XYZ in Normal pass Render For Relighting in nuke .
3.08 Kb
Get the average colour values of a pixel or area of pixel over a frame range.
8.65 Kb
Implementation of various Global Tonemapping Operators
3.80 Kb
This gizmo is a simple way to Pump up the Colors on a plate for easier keying using different expressions.
1.73 Kb
A simple gizmo to bleed the hue and saturation of the background into the foreground around the edges.
0.52 Kb
Using the nColorama Gizmo, you can subtly tint an image or radically change its color palette.