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15.94 Kb
Used to do a circular Distort on an image. Geared for creating eyes and shockwaves.
4.99 Kb
A more comprehensive and accurate heat distortion for nuke.
8.67 Kb
Exponential glow using glow node to allow tolerance control, tint, saturation and more.
7.06 Kb
You can plug Facebook cubic 360 video to input it will converts it to youtube spherical 360 video or any vr compatible video
10.19 Kb
Semi-Automated Slate/Overlay Gizmo for Windows Nuke
2.41 Kb
This is a exponential blur node to help create some realistic glows and blooming. Features : - create realistic looking glow. - size of the inner glow and global size is fully adjustable.
14.41 Kb
A gizmo that allows you to analyze an area and match flicker or deflicker.
4.57 Kb
Kernel shape for use into zdefocus or PG bokeh it has bokeh for lens 15mm, 18mm, 21mm, 25mm, 35mm, and 36mm
5.46 Kb
Allows you to create fade-to-black transitions by adjusting the layer's opacity. It's the basic transition typically found in editing software, perfect for smoothing out your compositions.
3.00 Kb
Controls the visibility of a layer based on a specific frame