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17.35 Kb
Alpha driven refraction of light, can be use bend the light for convex and concave surfaces or just split a ray into a rainbow.
5.42 Kb
project a seamless texture using the 'Point Position' and 'World Normal' render passes available in most 3D rendering engines.
23.78 Kb
A highly advanced color analyses gizmo, tons of features and analyses tools. It also includes a live histogram, which displays average color value for a selected region rendered on screen (writeable).
7.32 Kb
An easy intuitive gizmo that allows you to create seamless tiled patterns.
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Allows you to shift pixels that are close to alpha edges
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Often when we work in Nuke, we miss something we’ve been spoiled with by Adobe – this time Layer Styles. Let us introduce to you our Nuke replicate of Adobe Photoshop’s Layer Styles. We dissected the most commonly used layer styles and put them into a handy gizmo that can either act as Merge node, directly applying the styles, or create the styles and shuffle them into separate channels, preserving them for later use.
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A neat little Gizmo that takes an input and repeats it 8 times to make cool spiral patterns
11.76 Kb
4 part paint helper. Saves time with dust hits, simple paints, etc.
3.41 Kb
Check roto with colour overlays, over grey card, or pipe out the RGB mattes.