Merge RSS
3.07 Kb
Copy Merge Node using Math expression to drive the mix. (Random, Noise, Sin, Triangle, Square, Sawtooth, Bounce, Blip, Sineblip)
2.25 Kb
Merge tool which adds edge scatter and contamination to achieve a more optical effect.
0.95 Kb
Merge node with an option to input the first and last frame to have it on.
0.65 Kb
Contact Sheet that Automatically resizes according to number of inputs. Inspired by Ben McEwan's blog post.
2.46 Kb
A handy tool for those who want to isolate or combine multi matte and ID passes channels quickly. Has also been updated with the feature to select the desired merge operation.
9.40 Kb
Fuse is a replacement for the merge(over) node.
3.07 Kb
Icolor will apply the hue information from the A input to the B input.
2.34 Kb
Grabs the alpha channel from the A input and premultiplies it to the B input.