Stamps v1.1

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Contributor: Adrian Pueyo and Alexey Kuchinski
Smart connection system, based around distinct nodes with hidden inputs.
13.1, 12.2, 12.1, 12.0, 11.3, 11.2, 11.1, 11.0, 10 or later
Linux, Mac, Windows
20 Feb 2022

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* Now compatible with Nuke 13

Stamps Icon Stamps is a production-ready node connection system for Nuke, that enables placing the main assets in a single place on the Node Graph, through distinct nodes with hidden inputs that reconnect themselves when needed.





Auto-Reconnection avoids having to think about copying and pasting nodes (or even node trees) and maintaining their connections, even between different nuke scripts. You can also feel confident that you can always find where the stamp needs to be connected to thanks to the Advanced Reconnect functionality.

Single contextual hotkey
Using Stamps for the artist is as easy as remembering a single hotkey.
The hotkey is context-dependent, so it performs many different actions based on what’s selected.

Stamps has been thoroughly used in production and is currently used in studios of all sizes, and its development has been shaped by the feedback from compositors with different workflows and backgrounds. Trixter was the first studio to implement Stamps studio-wide in the compositing pipeline.

Quick selection functionality
The tag system allows for organising the stamps into categories for super quick access to every Stamp from any part of the node graph. The Anchor Selection Panel will let you quickly search for the Stamp you want, sorting based on different filters like their tags, the labels of the backdrops where they live, or their popularity (how many times you've used them).

The user guide and tutorial videos are an in-depth look into all the features and workflows of Stamps, the benefits of using it, why we believe it gives a solution to the common problems of working with hidden inputs and why it is now a core part of out compositing workflow. They also show how to set up smart templates, the extra stuff included with stamps like W_Hotbox buttons, as well as all the customisation options for each specific pipeline's requirements.



Latest pre-release fixes will be here:


Update Log:

Stamps v1.1.0 - 18 May 2021

New features:

  1. Postage Stamp thumbnail option for the node graph on “Type 2D” Stamps.
  2. Anchor Stamp Selector: multi-select by right clicking the OK buttons before a left click.

Bug fixes and enhancements:

  1. Compatible with Nuke 13 / Python 3.
  2. Anchor Stamp Selector: “Popular” dropdown behaviour fixed.
  3. DummyCam updated to v1.2
  4. Import method improved for user friendliness.
Please login in order to download these files.


+3 # Marco Meyer 2019-09-30 06:13
Awesome job Adrian/Alexey, thanks for sharing! Now i can finally get rid of my own "light" version of this :)
+4 # Andrea Geremia 2019-09-30 07:33
Totally addicted to this feature! Thank you very much for sharing that, Alexey and Adrian
Hope that all companies will introduce it in their workflow
+1 # dapoer vfx 2019-10-03 08:15
Thanks for this amazing gizmo Adrian/Alexey !
+1 # Carlos Trijueque 2019-10-04 07:58
This looks awesome. Looking foward to start using it.

Excellent work!
+3 # Marvin Sprengel 2019-10-07 20:21
Getting my Hands on this for free feels kind of crazy. I see so much time and thought that went into it. Thanks so much for sharing your work with the community! And I mean it is a workflow improvement thats a huge potential time saver. I see me using it a lot!
+8 # Tony Lyons 2019-10-07 21:03
Truly a massive workflow improvement once you start using stamps for awhile and it becomes second nature. I am not sure how you could achieve the same level of speed and optimization with any other "hidden input" system. So happy this is available for the community, thanks guys!
+1 # Dominik Platen 2020-01-08 14:50
Love this. Been using a similar workflow with the PostageStampKit for a while, but this makes it so much easier as it creates the anchors etc. for you. Only one small issue I noticed, if you have a deep input that ends with a switch or a group/gizmo, the anchor automatically becomes a 2D anchor and the stamp won't connect. I fixed this by just adding "Switch", and "Group" to the InputIgnoreClas ses variable in the file.
+1 # Aditya Kolli 2020-01-22 06:41
Thank you so much for writing and sharing this tool. It helps a lot in maintaining a clean B pipe. It makes scripts very clear, readable, and most importantly very efficient.
0 # Guillaume Charron 2020-06-03 16:06
This is really effective!! Thx for all the hard work pulling this out.
Do you think, in a future version, we could get a postage stamps when we stamps a read node?
0 # Adrian Pueyo 2020-06-09 09:04
Thanks Guillaume! That's already done for v1.1 :) Hope it's ready really soon.
+2 # Tommaso Zagni 2021-02-01 09:47
Hi! Awesome tool.
I was wondering what if I got this installed but one of my colleagues open my script and he hasn't the tool yet?
0 # Casey Yahnke 2021-03-04 01:12
Yeah I was wondering the same thing.
0 # Adrian Pueyo 2021-03-11 19:50
Hey, won't crash for them. As specified in the videos/docs, they will only lose some of the smart functionality, auto-reconnecti on etc but it will basically be like a normal NoOp node.
0 # Anton Sergeev 2021-03-20 13:17
Awesome job Adrian/Alexey, thanks for sharing! But Stamps does not work in Nuke 13. Please correct this error. Thanks!))
0 # ThanhHung Nguyen 2021-05-10 04:57
Quoting Anton Sergeev:
Awesome job Adrian/Alexey, thanks for sharing! But Stamps does not work in Nuke 13. Please correct this error. Thanks!))

I fixed it for working on Nuke 13

0 # Adrian Pueyo 2021-05-18 15:43
Hi Anton, thanks for your message. Stamps has now been updated to v1.1.0.
+5 # Gabi bo 2021-03-26 22:44
this tool is just awesome. I cannot leave without stamps anymore. Do you think we will have an update with nuke 13 soon? thanks
0 # ThanhHung Nguyen 2021-05-10 04:58
Quoting Gabi bo:
this tool is just awesome. I cannot leave without stamps anymore. Do you think we will have an update with nuke 13 soon? thanks

I fixed it for working on Nuke 13

0 # Adrian Pueyo 2021-05-18 15:43
Hi Gabi, glad you're finding it useful. Stamps has now been updated to v1.1.0.
0 # ThanhHung Nguyen 2021-05-09 17:01
Hi everyone. I love this script and use it a lot for my jobs. So I decided to fix it for nuke 13 , when we're waiting an official next version from the Adrian Pueyo and Alexey Kuchinski. You can download from the link below. Enjoy it.



1. Modification has not been consulted by the author. This is an unofficial version from the artist.
2. This script has been modded for my personally.
0 # Adrian Pueyo 2021-05-18 15:42
Thank you ThanhHung! The color thing looks really cool. Although I try to encourage a fixed color workflow, I can see some artists might like to change them.

I just published the v1.1.0 release.Do not hesitate to fork it as needed :-)
0 # ThanhHung Nguyen 2021-05-19 01:49
Quoting Adrian Pueyo:
Thank you ThanhHung! The color thing looks really cool. Although I try to encourage a fixed color workflow, I can see some artists might like to change them.

I just published the v1.1.0 release.Do not hesitate to fork it as needed :-)

I love it. I will try it and I will remove my link.
0 # Manuel Barrero 2021-07-06 10:18
Amazing tool, sadly for us it fails to render on Deadline farms.
The line that hides the stamps when out of the GUI seems to be the problem:

if nuke.GUI:\n try:\n .......etc deadline things is a path and change them to " if nuke.GUI:/n try:/n i guess.
0 # Pal Tauszig 2022-04-14 16:44
it works for me (stamps v1.1, win10, nuke v13.1.3, deadline v10.1)
0 # s t 2024-02-15 02:07
For me, we get a
NameError: name 'stamps' is not defined
We are using Deadline v10.1, Stamps v1.1, Nuke v13.1

This happens whenever an artist updates the source that is connected to an anchor, allegedly, then when they submit to deadline, it errors-- but with a resubmit, it goes through without the Name Error.

Weird? Maybe there is a way to 'refresh' the stamp when that happens? I would love to know if anyone has any input on that.
0 # Anthony Kramer 2021-09-01 21:03
Hey there, this is one of my fav tools. Noticed an issue with cameras though. When I have a camera stamp, it gets a narrower FOV than my original. This difference can be seen in the 3d view when both the original and stamp are selected. Using the latest 1.1 you had posted. Thanks!
0 # Adrian Pueyo 2021-12-28 22:21
Hey Anthony, thanks for your message! This has been noted, unfortunately it's an issue related with DummyCam v1.3, the node used to give Camera stamps a circular shape. It happens only in the following situation: animated knobs on the camera projection tab, and time operations after the Stamp (ie FrameHold). I'm currently looking for a solution for this bug, but for now I'd recommend changing the camera stamps class to NoOp - this can be configured easily in the stamps_config.p y file.
0 # Brian Budak 2024-05-23 17:27
Adrian, I love stamps! Just curious if the camera issue has been resolved.
0 # Matthias Backmann 2021-12-15 14:47
Hey Adrian, hey Alexey,

thanks for this awesome Toolkit. I already worked with it in several pipelines and it is such a great way to deal with your connections!

There is one small issue that happened, when I shared a script with an artist, who didn't have the whole toolkit installed: The moment you try to change the slightest thing in the anchor or wire, Nuke is giving out a lot of Python errors, which lead to a few seconds of freeze sometimes.
I guess it is connected to the "knobChanged"-k nob, which tries to run the command "import stamps; stamps.wiredKno bChanged()" - and this fails. And this knob activates multiple times during a position change. Is there a way to limit this check?

All the best!
+2 # Adrian Pueyo 2021-12-28 22:17
Hey Matthias, thank you for your feedback! This will be improved for the next version. I hope it won't take long :-)
0 # Matthias Backmann 2022-05-31 15:27

one more thing that happened to one of our artists:
You are able to copy a stamp into a group and this even works for the moment (no idea, how this gets connected). But it breaks the script when you save and reload it. Nodes then get pushed around and into the group. I know that this is really forced, but it can happen that you create a group with some nodes and a stamp is in there. Perhaps there is a way to avoid this by checking if stamp and anchor are on the same "level".
0 # shakti mehra 2022-03-03 14:02
Awesome tool, really Love it
Can you add function for cg passes where instead of postage stamp I can get a shuffle node
0 # shakti mehra 2022-03-03 14:02
Awesome tool, really Love it
Can you add function for cg passes where instead of postage stamp I can get a shuffle node
0 # Allen Chen 2022-05-06 04:29
I can't use the postage stamp show when i add a new nodetype on my workflow.
Can you replace it?
Thanks!I very love it.
0 # Max Rodas 2022-08-17 21:44
It might be a dumb question, but this works on nuke indie?
0 # Ed Gordon 2022-11-26 21:07
In my experience, it mostly doesn't work with Nuke Indie because of the 10 node limit for python. It would be nice if a workaround for this could be found, but I am not sure how most of the plugin functionality could be retained without the ability to walk through all the nodes in a script.
+1 # Gabriel Moura 2023-06-03 22:15
Hey Adrian, how are you?

I installed it in my Nuke 14.0 v14 and I couldn't get it to work, every time that I press F8 or select the "stamps" throught tab commant I get this message from Nuke.

'NoneType' object is not subscriptable.

Do you know how can I fix that? I'm really excited to use Stamps but actually I can't. : (
+1 # François Lips 2023-09-18 11:39
Same Error with my nuke 13.2V8, but it works fine on an empty script, but when I do add some read nodes and try to add a stamp on them, I get that error
0 # Alexey Kuchinski 2023-09-18 18:44
Hi folks are you using latest version of Stamps? just to be sure. I was running stamps with both without issues. not sure why you getting it. Could you check the terminal for full error message please?
Thank you!
0 # Ed Gordon 2023-09-18 18:52
I am using the latest version. I thought the reason it didn't work is because I was using Nuke Indie and Stamps quickly exceeded Indie's 20 node python limit.
0 # François Lips 2023-09-18 20:53

So I guess it's maybe a nuke indie limitation, because even if I'm having the nuke indie I get this non-commercial error" The Non-Commercial mode 10-node limit for Node objects accessible in Python has been reached" and after that I get " File "", line 1, in
File "C:/Users/mynam e/.nuke/stamps\", line 2370, in goStamp
extra_tags = stampCreateAnch or(n, extra_tags = extra_tags) # Create anchor via anchor creation panel
File "C:/Users/mynam e/.nuke/stamps\", line 1748, in stampCreateAnch or
na = anchor(title = anchor_title, tags = anchor_tags, input_node = node, node_type = node_type)
File "C:/Users/mynam e/.nuke/stamps\", line 687, in anchor
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable".

I guess those are created due to that limitation
0 # Ed Gordon 2023-09-18 21:02
Yeah, thats what I think it is. But I have no clue how intensive it would be to code a workaround or if one would even be possible. I can say that I would be interested in this as a paid plugin if that was ever on the table.
0 # François Lips 2023-09-18 21:06
What worked for me but is a pain in the*** to do is making an empty script , creating for example a grade node and then hitting the stamp shortcut and that will work , and then copy pasting that in your big comp.. but that's really not practical
0 # Alexey Kuchinski 2023-09-19 06:43
Did not think of nuke indie/non commercial....
But yes you are correct, from nuke site:

Limited Python API Support
Calling greater than 10 nodes is not supported, limiting the ability for automation within scripts. Automating the creation and processing of Nuke scripts is not supported. Python tools freely available on sites such as Nukepedia may or may not work depending on complexity.
0 # 0x384c0 A 2025-02-02 10:04
The Stamps script exceeds the Python node limit in Nuke NC/Indie due to extensive use of nuke.allNodes().

For Nuke NC/Indie, we can replace nuke.allNodes() in with a custom function that limits the number of returned nodes:

def nuke_allNodes(f ilter=""):
return nuke.allNodes(f ilter)[:2] # Limit to 2 nodes

This allows at least some features to remain functional.
0 # 0x384c0 A 2025-02-02 10:04
The best solution would be to disable all features that require `nuke.allNodes( )` for Nuke NC/Indie, keeping only essential functionality like creating stamps.
0 # Ibrahim Mumtaz 2024-07-26 11:31
How do I install this plugin,, I am new to nuke, Can anyone help please?

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