Merge RSS
10,149.85 Kb
This is a ContactSheet node based on Ben McEwan's AutoContactSheet, it can show you some important information like the metadata, the file name to your alpha channel.
1.66 Kb
Mix two source and sharpen the result at a user define value when mix approach 0.5
3.12 Kb
Custom Switch node with toggle button. Created to help identify at a glance which switches are set to the comp and which are using a bake.
2.30 Kb
This tool let you copy your desired layers from one chain into your main (B) chain. You're not capped, so go infinite!
1.03 Kb
This tool let you copy your desired layers from one stream into your main (B) stream. You're not capped to one or three layers, go infinite!
2.37 Kb
Convert Screen or Plus to Over merge