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2.92 Kb
Takes inputs of Denoised Scan, Scan and Denoised Comp. It will apply grain to any areas changed in comp from Denoised Scan and restore the original Scan in any areas untouched.
25.25 Kb
WorldSwitch helps to switch node's knob instantly.
1.25 Kb
This tool will outline any differences between its A and B inputs. Useful for comparing two versions of a comp or cg render.
1.93 Kb
A simple toolset which exports the four cornerPin points to 3dEqualizers 2DTrack export format.
0.86 Kb
A Python powered node that creates a checklist from a copy pasted text of notes.
1.26 Kb
Help organize your node graph. A No-Op node which acts as an axis point about which you can flip the selected nodes. Perfect for when re-organizing scripts or templates. Everything is python but I don't believe there is any syntax that will error in python 2 versions of Nuke. v1.1 Fixed some node alignment issues in flipped nodegraphs
2.30 Kb
This write node works like any other but is designed to create a folder called 'render' wherever the Nuke script is saved and will base the output name on the name of the script.
9.07 Kb
With the 'CompHelper' node, you can organize your project and help you quickly locate and export your files. Using 'WriteAuto,' you can create an automated write to export your project sequences in the prerender folder, and you can customize the word 'Denoised' as needed. After exporting, with 'Readsolut,' you can create a read from the previous 'Write' node, and with 'Explore,' you can select any 'Read' node and open the source files folder in the Windows File Explorer. With 'CreFolders,' after saving your Nuke project in a Nuke folder, you can create project folders from within Nuke, selecting the folders you want to create for your project.
28.20 Kb
A small python tool to assist with changing the values of knobs on multiple nodes inside of nuke at the same time without the need to type one by one To who don't want to type python every time we want to change the value of 30 different nodes at the same time