Plugin Group Manager - Basic v1.0

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Contributor: Jared Glass
This is an easy plugin management system for nuke. Made for artists to TD's it can be very simple and quick to use for just loading groups of plugins but has the power to do loads more.
6.0, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 or later
18 Nov 2013

Hi :)

I wrote this Plugin Group system for Nuke a while back since it didn't really have any easy way of installing or managing plugins.

It has quite a simple design and I've created a Basic and an Advanced download pack. Here I'll only cover the basic version that artists can easily use without having to alter any code. Just click a few things and viola, its done!


There is an install.txt file in the .zip with instructions but to show you how simple it is to install I'll put them here:

  1. Download and unzip the files (from nukepedia).
  2. In the Install folder, open the TF_PluginGroup_Manager folder.
  3. Double click the TF_Install.pyw file.
  4. It should take a few seconds but when it is done a window will popup saying that the installation was a success or detailing any errors.
  5. Restart Nuke and click on the edit menu.
  6. At the bottom you should see a new title 'TF Plugin Group Manager', click it.
  7. Browse to the 'Nuke_Plugins' folder.
  8. When done, press apply and restart nuke. When you open it again all the plugins in the selected plugin groups should be loaded.

How it works:

Inside the 'Nuke_Plugins' folder there are a 'menus' and 'toolbars' folder. Every folder within there will either be added as a menu or a toolbar.


  • Each folder in the 'menus' folder will added to nuke as a menu with the same name as that folder.
  • Inside the folder each script will be added as a menu item so clicking on the item in the menu will run the script in the menu's folder. Again it keeps the same name. Just make sure the name of your function you want to run in the script is the same as the script's file name, but you can look in any of the scripts for an example ;)


  • Each folder in the 'toolbars' folder gets added as a new toolbar and the items inside that toolbar folder get added to that toolbar.
  • If you want to create your own icons for the toolbars just place the icon in its toolbar and name it 'Icon.png'.

Plugins and Scripts:

You can add any of the following files to a menu or a toolbar. Both can load any of the mentioned files:

  • .gizmo
  • .nk
  • .so
  • .dylib
  • .dll
  • .py


I have tested this on Nuke6.1 and 6.4 and it works on Mac, Linux and Windows.

For TD's or anyone else interested in using the full power of this tool checkout this post - Plugin Group Manager Advanced.

Please login in order to download these files.


0 # Marko Zaric 2012-11-15 14:19
very nice

0 # Ron Ganbar 2012-11-20 04:51
Kick ass, Jared.
Thanks for sharing.

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