h_PixelSort v1.2
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Contributor: Mads Hagbarth Damsbo
This is a pixel sorter effect created in BlinkScript.
11.0, 10.5, 10.0 or later
Linux, Mac, Windows
11.0, 10.5, 10.0 or later
Linux, Mac, Windows

This is a primitive pixel sorter effect created in BlinkScript. It sorts pixels from black to white or vice versa, to create a interesting artistic effect.
Using the threshold silder you can pick where to start and stop the effect. And you can use the max length to set a limit to how long your sorting should be.
You can see a basic introduction to the pixelsorter here: https://vimeo.com/246859582
V 1.1
- Added a option to toggle GPU. This should only be used if you have issues running it without.
- Added a option to output alpha from the source rather than a alpha that shows the affected area
Know limitations: The node have a hardcoded limit of 8000x8000 pixels, you can increase this limit opening the two blink scripts and looking for the number 8000 and changing this higher. Do note that this can increase processing time and memory usage.
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Syntax error at "\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1504\coco"
It looks like something wrong with this script.
Should be fixed now.
Thanks for your work!
Is it possible to drive the strength of the effect by a mask, like a DoF-Blur?
...anyway, thanks for your work, looks impresive
Quoting antonio ramos:
I assume you guys are running Windows since you get a error. What Nuke version are you on?
Yep, i´m on windows with nuke 10.0 v5 for now, but i guess we´re going to update to nuke 11 soon
you're right. Using Windows 7 with Nuke 10.5v3 here.
But yea, there are some inconsistencies between Mac, Linux and Windows in regards to the Blinkscript node, and Windows seem to be the one causing problems most often.
I have linux at home and i would love to try it
enter into the group "BlinkPixelSort " and turn on in BlinkScripts "UseGPU..."
Edit: oh turning on UseGpu seems to do the trick indeed!
btw, did you finish and upload that gif writer for nuke? Can't seem to find it on Nukepedia. Would love to get to play with that one.
Any solution for this?
BTW Awesome script
First of all, this is great stuff, thanks for sharing. I have one question though: is it possible to change the Pixel Sorter Blink Script code so it respects the alpha of the image and outputs the pixel distorted image with new alpha?
I went into the group and tried different things but I see that BlinkScript just outputs full alpha. I don't have any idea how to write the code so I can't do anything about it. That would be so great if we could key/roto an element, PixelSort it and slap it back on the original image. The PixelSorting plugin for After Effects does that automatically - if you mask a layer, key it, the plugin respects that and distorts whats visible on the screen. Masking after pixel distortion is not a solution because the pixels are mixed, you still lose some stuff or have to leave the pixels you never wanted to have. I hope I'm clear ;)
Here's a screenshot from the AE's plugin demo, you can see the pixels go beyond the mask and come from keyed luma (not alpha - I'm just showing the alpha so we can see what it outputs):
Thanks for any help :)
Oh - I also confirm that changing the Kernel Parameters to GPU in BlindScript solves the error on Windows 10, Nuke 10.5.
When I start to work in my script I have this message:
BlinkPixelSort1 .BlinkScript4: Error running kernel on GPU. The kernel succesfully compiled. However, OPENCL returned error (-11) while executing on the device.
I'm using Nuke 11.3v5 in windows 8, nVIDIA Geforce 610m 2 GB
Any idea about what's happening and how to solve it?
Thank you in advance!
[13:38.36] Warning: BlinkPixelSort1 .BlinkScript4.m axTileLines: no such knob
BlinkPixelSort1.BlinkScript4.100: no such knob
[13:38.36] Warning: BlinkPixelSort1 .BlinkScript1.m axTileLines: no such knob
BlinkPixelSort1.BlinkScript1.100: no such knob
I'm getting same error in Nuke 12.1v2 on Mac OSX
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