EnvironmentTransform v1.2
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8.0 or later
Linux, Mac, Windows
A Blink script that will transform between different panoramic mappings, like the native SphericalTransform node.
The input and output panorama type numbers are
- 0 = Spherical / Lat long map
- 1 = Angular / Angular Map 360
- 2 = Chrome Ball / Mirror Ball
- 3 = Fisheye / 180 degrees fisheye lens
- 4 = Cubic (single image)
The Cubic option produces as output and expects as input a single image with all 6 tiles lined up vertically. Example images and a simple snippet of script to line tiles up together are included below.
A beach sunset panorama
Lat long / Spherical
Angular (360 degrees)
Chrome Ball
A reference panorama
Lat long / Spherical
Angular (360 degrees)
Chrome Ball
Script snippet to line tiles up into a single image cubic panorama
set cut_paste_input [stack 0]
version 8.0 v4
BackdropNode {
inputs 0
name BackdropNode1
tile_color 0x7171c600
label 'Tiles to Cubic Panorama'
note_font_size 42
selected true
xpos -2463
ypos 583
bdwidth 1318
bdheight 489
push $cut_paste_input
Dot {
name Dot226
label -X
note_font_size 24
selected true
xpos -1602
ypos 707
Grade {
white {1 0 1 1}
white_panelDropped true
name Grade67
selected true
xpos -1636
ypos 753
disable true
Text2 {
font_size_toolbar 500
font_width_toolbar 100
font_height_toolbar 100
message '-X\n'
box {500 0 500 1000}
hidden_bbox {-60 1997.5 60 2098.5}
xjustify center
yjustify center
transforms {{0 2}
font_size_values {{2 500 4 500 5 500 1 500 0 500}
cursor_position 3
font_size 500
scale {1 1}
cursor_initialised true
autofit_bbox false
initial_cursor_position {{0 2048}
group_animations {{0} imported: 0 selected: items: 'root transform/'}
animation_layers {{1 11 1024 778 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0}
name Text6
selected true
xpos -1636
ypos 795
disable true
Transform {
translate {0 {height*5}}
scale {1 1}
center {1024 1024}
name Transform8
selected true
xpos -1636
ypos 861
push $cut_paste_input
Dot {
name Dot225
label +X
note_font_size 24
selected true
xpos -1739
ypos 707
Grade {
white {0 1 0 1}
white_panelDropped true
name Grade66
selected true
xpos -1773
ypos 754
disable true
Text2 {
font_size_toolbar 500
font_width_toolbar 100
font_height_toolbar 100
message '+X\n'
box {500 0 500 1000}
hidden_bbox {-60 1997.5 60 2098.5}
xjustify center
yjustify center
transforms {{0 2}
font_size_values {{2 500 4 500 5 500 0 500 1 500}
cursor_position 3
font_size 500
scale {1 1}
cursor_initialised true
autofit_bbox false
initial_cursor_position {{0 2048}
group_animations {{0} imported: 0 selected: items: 'root transform/'}
animation_layers {{1 11 1024 778 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0}
name Text5
selected true
xpos -1773
ypos 803
disable true
Transform {
translate {0 {height*4}}
scale {1 1}
center {1024 1024}
name Transform7
selected true
xpos -1773
ypos 864
push $cut_paste_input
Dot {
name Dot224
label +Y
note_font_size 24
selected true
xpos -1875
ypos 707
Grade {
white {1 1 0 1}
white_panelDropped true
name Grade65
selected true
xpos -1909
ypos 754
disable true
Text2 {
font_size_toolbar 500
font_width_toolbar 100
font_height_toolbar 100
message +Y
box {500 0 500 1000}
hidden_bbox {-60 1997.5 60 2098.5}
xjustify center
yjustify center
transforms {{0 2}
font_size_values {{4 500 5 500 0 500 1 500 6 500 7 500 8 500}
cursor_position 2
font_size 500
scale {1 1}
cursor_initialised true
autofit_bbox false
initial_cursor_position {{0 2048}
group_animations {{0} imported: 0 selected: items: 'root transform/'}
animation_layers {{1 11 1024 778 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0}
name Text4
selected true
xpos -1909
ypos 801
disable true
Transform {
translate {0 {'height *3'}}
scale {1 1}
center {1024 1024}
name Transform6
selected true
xpos -1909
ypos 866
push $cut_paste_input
Dot {
name Dot223
label -Y
note_font_size 24
selected true
xpos -2002
ypos 707
Grade {
white {0 0 1 1}
white_panelDropped true
name Grade64
selected true
xpos -2036
ypos 754
disable true
Text2 {
font_size_toolbar 500
font_width_toolbar 100
font_height_toolbar 100
message '-Y\n'
box {500 0 500 1000}
hidden_bbox {-60 1997.5 60 2098.5}
xjustify center
yjustify center
transforms {{0 2}
font_size_values {{2 500 4 500 5 500 0 500 1 500}
cursor_position 3
font_size 500
scale {1 1}
cursor_initialised true
autofit_bbox false
initial_cursor_position {{0 2048}
group_animations {{0} imported: 0 selected: items: 'root transform/'}
animation_layers {{1 11 1024 778 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0}
name Text3
selected true
xpos -2036
ypos 803
disable true
Transform {
translate {0 {height*2}}
scale {1 1}
center {1024 1024}
name Transform5
selected true
xpos -2036
ypos 859
push $cut_paste_input
Dot {
name Dot222
label -Z
note_font_size 24
selected true
xpos -2128
ypos 707
Grade {
white {1 0 0 1}
white_panelDropped true
name Grade55
selected true
xpos -2162
ypos 752
disable true
Text2 {
font_size_toolbar 500
font_width_toolbar 100
font_height_toolbar 100
message '-Z\n'
box {500 0 500 1000}
hidden_bbox {-60 1997.5 60 2098.5}
xjustify center
yjustify center
transforms {{0 2}
font_size_values {{2 500 4 500 5 500 1 500 0 500}
cursor_position 3
font_size 500
scale {1 1}
cursor_initialised true
autofit_bbox false
initial_cursor_position {{0 2048}
group_animations {{0} imported: 0 selected: items: 'root transform/'}
animation_layers {{1 11 1024 778 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0}
name Text2
selected true
xpos -2162
ypos 798
disable true
Transform {
translate {0 {height}}
scale {1 1}
center {1024 1024}
name Transform4
selected true
xpos -2162
ypos 859
push $cut_paste_input
Dot {
name Dot11
label +Z
note_font_size 24
note_font_color 0xffffffff
selected true
xpos -2231
ypos 706
set N1b0fb430 [stack 0]
Grade {
white {0 1 1 1}
white_panelDropped true
name Grade1
selected true
xpos -2265
ypos 756
disable true
Text2 {
font_size_toolbar 500
font_width_toolbar 100
font_height_toolbar 100
message '+Z\n'
box {500 0 500 1000}
hidden_bbox {-60 1997.5 60 2098.5}
xjustify center
yjustify center
transforms {{0 2}
font_size_values {{0 500 2 500 6 500 7 500 1 500 8 500 9 500 10 500 11 500 12 500 13 500 1 500}
cursor_position 2
font_size 500
scale {1 1}
cursor_initialised true
autofit_bbox false
initial_cursor_position {{0 2048}
group_animations {{0} imported: 0 selected: items: 'root transform/'}
animation_layers {{1 11 1024 778 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0}
name Text1
selected true
xpos -2265
ypos 800
disable true
Transform {
scale {1 1}
center {1024 1024}
name Transform1
selected true
xpos -2265
ypos 855
push $N1b0fb430
Dot {
name Dot12
selected true
xpos -2375
ypos 706
Reformat {
type 'to box'
box_width {{width}}
box_height {{height*6}}
resize none
center false
black_outside true
name Reformat15
selected true
xpos -2409
ypos 820
Multiply {
value 0
name Multiply1
selected true
xpos -2409
ypos 844
Dot {
name Dot221
selected true
xpos -2375
ypos 921
Merge2 {
inputs 2
name Merge1
selected true
xpos -2265
ypos 918
Merge2 {
inputs 2
name Merge102
selected true
xpos -2162
ypos 918
Merge2 {
inputs 2
name Merge103
selected true
xpos -2036
ypos 918
Merge2 {
inputs 2
name Merge104
selected true
xpos -1909
ypos 918
Merge2 {
inputs 2
name Merge105
selected true
xpos -1773
ypos 918
Merge2 {
inputs 2
name Merge106
selected true
xpos -1636
ypos 918
Reformat {
type 'to box'
box_width {{width}}
box_height {{width*6 x1 12288}}
resize none
center false
filter Impulse
black_outside true
name Reformat22
selected true
xpos -1636
ypos 957
Dot {
name Dot13
label 'Single image stacked Cubic Panorama'
note_font_size 24
selected true
xpos -1602
ypos 1014
Thank you.
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