Field of View calculations
This is a simple node for doing camera calculations. I guess I could make it into a python pane
Getting field of view given horizontal ap and focal length: 2 * atan(hap / (2 * focal)) * 180 / pi
Getting focal length given horizontal ap and field of view : (hap / (2 * tan(pi * fov2 / 360)))
Here is a noop with this stuff plugged in:
NoOp {
name CameraCalculator
selected true
xpos -2240
ypos 540
addUserKnob {20 FocalFOV l "Calculate this!"}
addUserKnob {26 divin l Inputs}
addUserKnob {26 "" +STARTLINE}
addUserKnob {7 focal l "Focal Length" R 0 180}
focal 35
addUserKnob {7 fov2 l "Field of View" R 0 360}
fov2 90
addUserKnob {7 hap l "Horiz Ap" R 0 36}
hap 23.75
addUserKnob {26 "" +STARTLINE}
addUserKnob {26 divout l Outputs}
addUserKnob {7 fov l "Resulting FOV"}
fov {{"2 * atan(hap / (2 * focal)) * 180 / pi"}}
addUserKnob {7 focal2 l "Resulting Focal Length" R 0 180}
focal2 {{"(hap / (2 * tan(pi * fov2 / 360)))"}}
addUserKnob {7 diag l INVISIBLE +INVISIBLE}
diag {{sqrt(hap*hap+vap*vap-2*hap*vap*cos(90))}}
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