StreamCart v1.1

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Contributor: Mark Joey Tang
Select channel or geo and quickly shuffle it.
12.0, 11.3, 11.2, 11.1, 11.0, 10.5, 10.0, 9.0 or later
Linux, Mac, Windows
08 Jan 2020


Demo video :


Select channel or geo and quickly shuffle it.

How to use (channel shuffle) :
- connect streamCart node to anywhere of the tree.
- click 'get channels / geo'. It will scan through available channels from upstream
- click the channels to create shuffle node

How to use (Geo select) :
- connect streamCart node directly to 'ReadGeo'
- click 'get channels / geo'. It will scan through avaliable geo mesh from upstream 'scene_view'
- select all the individual objects
- click 'ReadGeo Checkout' to create a new ReadGeo with the selection.

* This tool support 2D, Deep and 'ReadGeo' from upstream.


- when input support 2D or Deep, it will prompt up selection for user
  (e.g. input from scanlineRender)
- input type - Geo
  changed knobs to checkbox instead of button
- exposed r,g,b,a define setting,
  so user can setup their own rgba naming list.
- unblock deep & depth channel when input is deep,
  so user can shuffle these 2 channels out if input is deep.

- quickly create shuffle nodes
- quickly generate ReadGeo with selection
- input support 2D data, deep data and ReadGeo data.


 1.1 update 

If input can be 2D and Deep, it will asked user preference.

Screenshot 14

Exposed shuffle define setting, so user can create their own defination of RGBA channel.

Screenshot 19

Unblocked deep and depth channel shuffle in deep. I block it before because I don't know how useful of these channel when comp in deep.

Screenshot 20

Pre one of the feedback, when input is geo, changed selection from button to checkbox, less confuse.
tips : when work with heavy geo, such as lidar, I will disable the ReadGeo select specific geo that I need get the viewer lighter.

Screenshot 25

tips : the tool designed export/shuffle node color depends on the main node (streamCart). User can choose their color preference.

Screenshot 26



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0 # Michael Clemens 2019-12-12 19:52
Anyway to add the option for the alpha to be the red, green , or blue channel as additional options? Would be helpful, especially for matte layer.
0 # Mark Joey Tang 2020-01-08 02:21
Hey Michael,

I just saw your messnage. Thanks for you feedback. I updated v1.1, exposed 'shuffle define setting' . So you can define the channel as your preference.

0 # Mark Joey Tang 2020-01-08 18:28
I just re-visit the rgba matte case. seems not the ideal workflow for that at the moment. The initial idea of this node is extract channels, AOVs and geo. I will take your suggestion and revise it on next version.

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