Gradient Editor v1.1

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Contributor: Mads Hagbarth Damsbo
A simple little visual gradient editor.
11.0, 10.5, 10.0 or later
Linux, Mac, Windows
27 Jun 2018

This is a simple little visual gradient editor for Nuke

See a little demo here:


If you make some cool custom gradients, please share your 'GradientPresets.cfg' with me so we can add them to the official release.




[1.1]  Fixed a bug that caused some Nuke 11 instalations to throw a python error and not showing the UI.

Please login in order to download these files.


0 # Øyvind Veberg 2018-06-27 07:36

Great work! I'm not getting the gradient presets and editor to show up, though (MacOS High Sierra, Nuke 11.1v4)...


0 # Mads Hagbarth Damsbo 2018-06-27 11:41
Quoting Øyvind Veberg:

Great work! I'm not getting the gradient presets and editor to show up, though (MacOS High Sierra, Nuke 11.1v4)...



Try downloading the new version
0 # Øyvind Veberg 2018-06-27 12:58
Now it works! Again: Thanks a lot.

+1 # Lucas Pfaff 2018-06-27 10:11
This looks awesome :)
But I also can't get it to work. When I add import ColorGradientUi to my, I get the "error interpreting this plugin" when booting up Nuke (11.1v3)

At first I had the files installed in my own directories, but even if I use the given folders etc it gives me the same error. Any insight? :o
0 # Mads Hagbarth Damsbo 2018-06-27 11:42
Quoting Lucas Pfaff:
This looks awesome :)
But I also can't get it to work. When I add import ColorGradientUi to my, I get the "error interpreting this plugin" when booting up Nuke (11.1v3)

At first I had the files installed in my own directories, but even if I use the given folders etc it gives me the same error. Any insight? :o

Try downloading the new version.
0 # Lucas Pfaff 2018-06-28 07:38
It works now, thank you VERY much. This tool will become really handy I bet! :)

btw, I noticed your name changing, you married? Congrats :)
0 # Mads Hagbarth Damsbo 2018-07-03 11:07
Quoting Lucas Pfaff:
It works now, thank you VERY much. This tool will become really handy I bet! :)

btw, I noticed your name changing, you married? Congrats :)

Haha yes sir, got married, thanks alot!
0 # Fernando Arbelaez 2018-06-27 16:42
Hi Mads H.
Unfortunately is not working for me in Nuke10.5v7 Linux.
0 # Fernando Arbelaez 2018-06-27 16:43
Nevermind, I just fix it modifying the version inside the gizmo.
Thanks again.
0 # Robin Dutta 2018-07-30 19:35
Does not work well in a multi-nuke version environment.

To get it working I had to remove the nuke version in the gizmo as previously mentioned, and modify the imports in

if nuke.NUKE_VERSI ON_MAJOR > 10:
import h_Qt
from h_Qt import QtGui
from h_Qt import QtCore
from h_Qt.QtGui import *
from h_Qt.QtCore import *
import PySide.QtGui as QtGui
import PySide.QtCore as QtCore
from PySide.QtGui import *
from PySide.QtCore import *
import h_Qt
from h_Qt import QtGui
from h_Qt import QtCore
from h_Qt.QtGui import *
from h_Qt.QtCore import *
+1 # Nick Guth 2018-10-08 23:41
Can't seem to get the presets and UI to show up. Any ideas?

My "hagbarth" folder is installed "\.nuke\gizmos\ hagbarth" and I'm loading the folders via the

##Hagbarth Tools

Still no UI.
0 # Nick Guth 2018-10-08 23:41
Double post.
0 # Timothy Halim 2018-12-17 08:59
Hi Mads,

Awesome works!
I already tested it and i think it'll be great if we could rotate the gradient and adding control about it so i change the expression node that create the gradient to:

set cut_paste_input [stack 0]
version 7.0 v6
push $cut_paste_input
Expression {
temp_name0 deg
temp_expr0 radians(Rotatio n)
temp_name1 dist
channel3 rgba
expr3 " (((x-Gradient.x )*cos(deg)-(y-G radient.y)*sin( deg))/GradSize )"
name GradCreator1
selected true
xpos 99
ypos -39
addUserKnob {20 Timo l Gradient}
addUserKnob {7 GradSize l Size R 0 10000}
GradSize 1920
addUserKnob {12 Gradient}
addUserKnob {7 Rotation R -180 180}

Thanks for being an inspiration!
0 # Colin Rhodes 2019-01-21 07:52
Nice work! I was looking to make something like this myself but you have already done such an awesome job.
0 # Sébastien Levieux 2019-03-28 15:47
Hello, where can i instal the plugin and how?
0 # Dario Saquetti 2019-09-17 08:33
I am on Nuke 11.3v5 and I get an error message. error interpreting this plugin.

any fix?
0 # Robin Dutta 2019-09-27 18:55
This breaks in Nuke 12. To fix you must modify

# add add nuke to imports @ line 45
import nuke

# QStringListModel has moved from QtGui to QtCore in PySide2
# Check nuke version and set it accordingly in first entry of _misplaced_members @ line 424-426.

_misplaced_members = {
"pyside2": {
"QtGui.QStringListModel" if nuke.NUKE_VERSION_MAJOR < 12 else "QtCore.QStringListModel": "QtCore.QStringListModel",
0 # Mafer Hernandez 2019-10-01 03:25
Hi, im new to nuke and i don't know how to install this Gizmo cause its not a txt file. Could someone help me?
0 # Bernd M 2019-11-04 22:08 now seems to have issues with Nuke12. Can't load the program without disabling this tool.
+7 # Ryan Quinlan 2020-01-16 21:03
I got it working in Nuke 12 by changing line 425 in in the python folder from:
"QtGui.QStringListModel": "QtCore.QString ListModel",

"QtCore.QStringListModel": "QtCore.QString ListModel",
+1 # Livia Nunes 2020-09-21 16:07
thank you so much! it now works :-)
0 # Alex G 2020-10-05 08:45
Works great, thanks! Nuke 12 :-)
0 # Curt JM 2021-01-26 00:48
Thanks! Fix works for me using 12.2v4
+2 # Ryan Cook 2021-11-05 23:43
In nuke 13, I needed to change "ConfigParser" to "configparser" on lines 20 and 22 of "ColorGradientU" as well as the above fix. Great tool, thanks!
0 # Alex G 2020-10-05 08:44
Works great, thanks! Nuke 12 :-)
+1 # Henrique Reginato 2020-11-08 19:31
I still get the error even after changing QtGui to QtCore on line 425 of misplaced_membe rs

But I am assuming is because I'm on NukeIndie ? Although I was under the impression the limitation was to python commands and not PySide2 UI.
Not only getting the error but the gradient UI doesn't show up, rendering the tool useless for me =/

Can anyone confirm ?

+1 # erik toth 2021-01-20 18:39
I have noticed that whatever changes are made to the gradient editor are not recorded into Nuke's undo/redo stack.

Is there any way to get this functionality into the gizmo? Anyone else having this issue?

Nuke 11.3v4 / Windows 10
0 # Steve Drew 2021-06-04 21:46
Yeah not having the undo/redo capability is a bummer. Hopefully Mads has a fix coming....

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