RP Reformat v1.5

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Contributor: Mark Joey Tang
Reformat Roto & RotoPaint node's vector data without resolution issue. Keep the same result on any paint strokes. Support all kinds of splines, brushes and aspect ratio reformat.
13.1, 12.2, 12.1, 12.0, 11.3, 11.2, 11.1, 11.0, 10 or later
Linux, Mac, Windows
24 Mar 2021

RP Reformat s

Video about this tool :

Reformat Roto & RotoPaint node's vector data without resolution issue. Keep the same result on any paint strokes. Support all kinds of splines, brushes and aspect ratio reformat.


- compatible with python3
(fix xrange command)

- fixed gizmo is a gizmo, not group

- Tong Lyons's feedback :
  added 'from' & 'to' input for the old/new resolution

- fixed the Rotopaint nodes connection issue
- added 'resize type' info in new RP node's label
- removed the animation menu on pixel_aspect knob.

- batch resize Roto / RotoPaint's vector data

How to use

  1. Fill in the old resolution of the Roto/RotoPaint was done before.
  2. Fill in the new resolution.
  3. Selected which type of resize to process (This depends on how's the plate resize)
  4. Select all the Roto/RotoPaint node(s) *Support mult-select
  5. Click 'convert roto/rotopaint node(s)' . Then the new generated node will be placed next to the original node(s)

* Entire process will NOT modify the original node
** The resize data will replaced on individual shape elements :
    Spline : translate, scale, center & feather
    Stroke : translate, scale, center, source translate, brush size, brush space & effect
*** Resize process will not touch any data on Layer.

  1.2 update  
RP Reformat v12

Hover 'convert roto/rotopaint node(s)' button to see what data get modified :


Remarks :
Brush stroke might have slightly different result if aspect ratio changed a lot. It is because the brush size in RotoPaint node is only 1 dimension size, it doesn't have x&y separation. The difference might not really noticeable.

Thanks Jedediah Smith (Jed) share the knowledge of _curvelib module. That saved me a lot of time.



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0 # Christina Shin 2022-02-17 14:35
Thanks Mark! Useful tool!

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