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5.19 Kb
Organic glow effect GlowLight_v1.0 by Huseyin Cay
1.74 Kb
Pixelate an image, with the ability to pick you filter type and to affect the alpha or not.
2.83 Kb
This is an alternative glow for Nuke's classic glow. This glow has a cool color ramp outside like sapphire's glow. I could try it in Nuke 9 and 8 on windows...but it should be work on all platforms and all versions.
3.06 Kb
An extremely simple and light weight way to create color fringing on elements. Its NOT complicated and probably not good enough to 100% match your footage. but it IS lightweight and simple! :) Only tested on Nuke 8 and 9, but should be perfectly backwards compatible
15.95 Kb
Replicates the effect of Bob Roesler's Lens Kernel FFT gizmo, but cheaply.
4.84 Kb
A BlinkScript filter to replicate the effect of a dot matrix display, by sampling a filter image based off of an array of a texture input.
2.20 Kb
Creates a edge matte with blur, based on an existing alpha channel.
3.21 Kb
Simple gizmo to create a near, far, or centered slice with width and falloff controls.