7.46 Kb
pull the rgb edges of an image outwards based on it's a control channel.
2.12 Kb
Simple edge generation tool based on dilating and eroding the alpha channel
3.26 Kb
Converts Bump maps or Displacement maps to Tangent Normals using real displacement.
2,527.77 Kb
Organic Defocus is a defocusing tool which replicates real camera bokehs. An upgraded nuke's defocus version.
28.92 Kb
It provides defocus using convolution matrix with some simple shapes and also generates chromatic abberation
9.38 Kb
Exponential blur and glow with keying and falloff controls
9.49 Kb
Advanced chromatic aberration and iterative drift with user-defined color spectrum and multi-alpha calculations.
27.56 Kb
Edge allows you to extend the proper color out over transparent edges or areas with a lot of motionblur without eroding away the nice detail. **Updated to remove version number from file name!**