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Virtual Lens is a tool that simulates the effects and defects of light traveling through a lens.
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The guided blur is an edge-preserving blur, useful to add fine details to a roto/matte. Similar to the 'Refine Edge' feature from Photoshop.
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Distorts the image to create a heat effect. An alpha channel can be piped in, too. Good to enhance fire effects or to create an underwater effect with blue/cyan color correction and a slower frequency.
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EdgeScatter blends an image along a matte edge, typically mixing 2 layers from completely different sources (a greenscreen and a BG for example) for a more photographically correct look.
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This is a little Gizmo i build based on an old Shake Toolset. It gives you full control over the edges of your Alpha Channel. You can extend the inner and outer edges, with full control over gain, individual and full blur, erode and the output. It's easy to use and helped me a lot in the past years while enhancing Green-/Bluescreen comps but also on CG integration. Enjoy!
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An advance Edge Detect node with a new algorithm and many controls
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Brings a Finer Edge than the usual EdgeDetectWrapper
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The ExponBlur blurs an image with an exponential falloff based upon an alpha.
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Advanced chromatic aberration and iterative drift with user-defined color spectrum and multi-alpha calculations.
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The chroma smear is a static motion blur similar to the godrays include in nuke, with a additional chroma shift.