TJ_BumpCC_v2 v1.0

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Contributor: ThiruMani Kumar
TJ_BumpCC_v2 With this gizmo you can swparate the dark and light color. Then you can change which color as you want. Detail Separate the dark and light values by increase the detail knob value. White Increase the brightest part's indensity and fad value by adjust the core knob value. Tweak the edgest spread size by adjusting edge knob value. Then change the color to as which color you want to change. This only for bright part. Black Increase the darkest part's indensity and fad value by adjust the core knob value. Tweak the edgest spread size by adjusting edge knob value. Then change the color to as which color you want to change. This only for dark part.
14.0, 13.2, 13.1, 13.0, 12.2, 12.1, 12.0 or later
26 Jun 2023

TJ BumpCC v2

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