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Contributor: creatogether

12.35 Kb

Often when we work in Nuke, we miss something we’ve been spoiled with by Adobe – this time Layer Styles. Let us introduce to you our Nuke replicate of Adobe Photoshop’s Layer Styles. We dissected the most commonly used layer styles and put them into a handy gizmo that can either act as Merge node, directly applying the styles, or create the styles and shuffle them into separate channels, preserving them for later use.

17 Feb 2013
Contributor: Birdainain

17.35 Kb

Alpha driven refraction of light, can be use bend the light for convex and concave surfaces or just split a ray into a rainbow.

08 Aug 2019
Contributor: Birdainain

8.21 Kb

Based on Richard Frazer gizmo (, slightly modified and updated to have more user friendly controls for key framing and uses Kronos instead of oflow as the retiming method. Can be used to patch areas obstructed by objects, requires at least two 'clean frames' for an area. Very useful for dealing with organic objects and minor parallax in patches.

19 Jul 2019
Contributor: owljones

2.74 Kb

DeFlicker is a powerfull yet simple tool to remove flicker with the push of a button.

28 Jun 2015
Contributor: kharicg

3.81 Kb

Quick 2D lighting based on normals

09 Dec 2015
Contributor: Syed_umer_gilani

7.57 Kb

Older Versions. Collection of Despill algorithms with fine tuning option and spill matte export. v3.0: - renamed AlphaError Node as this caused ..

26 Oct 2021
Contributor: KelSolaar

2.24 Kb

Digital Still Camera Exposure - Physical Camera Model

06 Feb 2020
Contributor: olly

2.77 Kb

Creates a system for using the HSV values of a map image to specify the angle and intensity of displacement in a source image.

25 Mar 2024
Contributor: FeedMeCheese

16.50 Kb

Retro-style 1-Bit bayer dithering

18 Jan 2023
Contributor: kundanbasnet

4.75 Kb

Great for dustbust if used with tracking & stabilization can be a helpful tool for rig removal too.

14 Feb 2012
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