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Keyer RSS

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6.08 Kb

Additive mixing of foreground and background to help preserve fine edge details when keying

02 Sep 2009
Contributor: frank

1.71 Kb

LUT based luma keyer

18 Oct 2010
Contributor: andy.frickinger

7.57 Kb

Collection of Despill algorithms with fine tuning option and spill matte export.

10 Feb 2013
Contributor: andy.frickinger

6.38 Kb

Unspill technique by good old Steve Wright put into a nice little gizmo.

26 Aug 2010
Contributor: andy.frickinger

12.48 Kb

Erodes/Expands rgb edges of keyed image image to get rid of unwanted outlines. Includes fine tuning for edge treatment. Based on Frank Rueter's Edge Extend.

05 Aug 2016
Contributor: philhub

25.70 Kb

Gizmo that generates mask from point position pass. It has offset, rotate, non-uniform spread parameters and ability to generate cube or sphere. This new version has curve to control the shape of the gradient/feather as well as modify the spread according to the negative or positive values. (see animated gif)

27 Feb 2020
Contributor: philhub

11.21 Kb

Generate antialiased multi-masks from double res IDpass

08 Oct 2010
Contributor: tinitron

3.35 Kb

Nuke version of the famous shake macro by Chris Wieser

14 Oct 2010
Contributor: chadb

2.28 Kb

Rebuilt Nuke Keyer. Non-clamped and with LUT color controls.

29 Apr 2018
Contributor: lucjulien

5.25 Kb

Spill suppress with additional control

11 Nov 2010
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