BlinnRelight v1.1

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Contributor: Adrian Herr
Relighting with Blinn reflection model and additional features like texturing, occlusion, negative light and antialiasing.
9.0, 8.0, 7.1, 7.0 or later
Linux, Mac, Windows
15 Feb 2016

v1.1: option to pick the position and direction of the light source in viewer

3 different light sources: directional, point and spot light with adjustable distance fall-off

Shading: Lambertian and normalized Blinn-Phong

Additional features:

texture the relighted geometry with the color, diffuse or beauty pass

ambient occlusion dims surfaces which shouldn't receive much light

negative light dims surfaces that faces away from light to increase contrast

antialiasing smooths sharp edges

Installation: Copy all files to your ~/.nuke directory. If there already exists an or copy the written lines to it.

If you have questions, find bugs or have suggestions for improvement please let me know.

Thanks to The Foundry and dve advanced systems for license sponsoring.

Please login in order to download these files.


0 # Pavle Milicevic 2016-01-23 01:00
Pretty great script, I think it's quite the best neat relight out here. Just one question, what channel should I use for ambient occlusion ?
0 # Adrian Herr 2016-01-26 11:00
Thanks, Pavle! You need an ambient occlusion render pass like VRayDirt for example. Occlusion only works if you get it from 3D.

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