FrameFiller v1.2

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Contributor: Mark Joey Tang
Using frame interpolation to fill up missing frames. Support multiple frames at once, support Regularized motion estimation, no NukeX Required. Motion blur, sub-frames bias adjustable.
13.1, 12.2, 12.1, 12.0, 11.3, 11.2, 11.1, 11.0, 10 or later
Linux, Mac, Windows
24 Mar 2021

FrameFiller s

Video :

Using frame interpolation to fill up missing frames. Support multiple frames at once, support Regularized motion estimation, no NukeX Required. Motion blur, sub-frames bias adjustable. 

changelog :

- compatible with python3
(remove xrange command)
- added error message if input read is not a sequence

- fix the bug of the code that when input frame seq withtout single frame to fix

- framefiller to fill up missing frame with frame interpolation method
- support multiply frames
- support more than one broken frames in a row
- auto detect missing frames from Read node


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+1 # fast abst 2020-10-01 10:24
This is epic!
I was using Morph_Dissolve to generate those missing frames. This way is way faster!

Thanks man, another awesome tool like always!
0 # Livia Nunes 2020-10-08 15:18
I get this error when clicking generate:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 14, in
File "", line 102, in gen
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'sw' referenced before assignment
0 # Mark Joey Tang 2020-10-15 13:58
I try to trigger this error, and I found that if entered invalid characters in 'frame(s) to fix' text field will get this error.
1050a --- this not work and get the error that you mentioned
1050 --- this works

Please let me know if this bring you such error.
+1 # Livia Nunes 2020-10-15 14:15
Hi Mark, yes, it seems if I input only one frame I do not get the error, however if I add mutiple frames (example: 509-512 or 509,510) I get the error. So it seems it's considering the "-" and the "," to be invalid characters. Tested on Nuke 11.3, 12.0 and Nuke 12.1, all of them gave me the error.
0 # Mark Joey Tang 2020-10-15 15:49
Thank you to provide such good info.
I fixed on v1.1 and able to download in here.
e.g. '509-512' or '509,510' should work now.
Please try this version and keep me posted.
+2 # Livia Nunes 2020-10-15 17:32
I tested it and I can confirm it works great now. Thank you so much for this wonderful tool and for the other great content you share. Cheers

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