CleanChannels v1.0
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6.3 or later

CleanChannels v1.0 - created by Henrique Moser, September 2012
This tool scans a tcl script (.gizmo, .nk) looking for added layers. Once it find all custom layers it will display a list to the user to chose which layers/channels should be deleted.
Once the user select the channels to be deleted and click 'Clean Channels' the script will save a new modified/clean file. By default this tool just appends '_clean' to the end of your filename, but you can always change the name and location for the new file manually.
Nuke deals with custom channels/layers in a very viral way. So after you save a new file it is recommended to restart nuke before opening the new file. (I think the Nuke's behaviour with channels is a bit different depending on its version)
WARNING: you can mess up a gizmo or a nuke script real bad if you delete a custom layer that was actually supposed to exist, so I recommend ALWAYS saving the clean file with a different name. Then if the new file is working correctly you should overwrite the original file (if so you wish).
Enjoy it! And please let me know of any bugs or difficulties you find.
1 - Copy the file to your nuke plugins folder (location varies depending on OS, google it or check Nuke's manual)
2 - Add the following lines in your (create one in case you don't have one):
import CleanChannels
m ='Nodes')
m.addCommand( 'MenuName/Submenu/Clean Channels' , 'CleanChannels.CleanChannels()' )
PS.1: Just change the MenuName and Submenu words to whathever you want. I use the '*HM* toolbox/Utilities' so that it stays inside the toolbos with my other stuff.
PS.2: This tool should be compatible with other versions of Nuke, but I've tested only on 6.3 for now.
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