DJV flipbook in Nuke on OSX v2.3

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Contributor: Nick Carroll
Tested on OSX with DJV version 0.9.0 and Nuke version 6.3.
8.0, 7.1, 7.0, 6.3 or later
13 Aug 2014

1. Put in your Nuke Python load path eg ~/.nuke/

2. In edit the list of supported filetypes to match your build of DJV.

3. Add this to
# DJV is a copyleft flipbook
os.environ['DJV_VIEW_EXECUTABLE'] = '/Applications/'
import DJV
nukescripts.setFlipbookDefaultOption('flipbook', 'DJV')

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0 # Simon Jokuschies 2014-05-21 09:06
Thank you. Works for me in Nuke 8.0v1 (mac)
0 # Nick Carroll 2014-05-21 11:36
You're welcome. I just uploaded version 2 which supports your selection of frame range. Please try it.
0 # Andrew Witkowski 2014-08-13 19:14
Hey Nick, thanks! This worked well for me on Nuke 8.0v5. I have a question and I'm not sure if it pertains to your script exactly but i s there a way to have DJV flipbook the tmp files to a separate disk instead of /var/tmp/nuke? I have all Nuke files caching to a separate drive but the DJV files still render to the default cache/tmp folder on my system drive.
0 # Nick Carroll 2014-08-14 01:17
Fixed: download the new version (2.3) and try it.
+1 # Nick Carroll 2017-04-02 05:16
A newer version of DJV is out. I am happy to update this script but are people still using external flipbookers like this?
0 # steve hawken 2019-03-06 09:26
I am as I don't have rv and struggling to get djv working from a python script in nuke. this is great! Thanks
0 # steve hawken 2019-03-06 09:26
I am as I don't have rv and struggling to get djv working from a python script in nuke. this is great! Thanks

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