collectFiles v1.2

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Contributor: Mariano Antico
This script collects the footage from your script and saves it in a target directory. It also copies the script and relinks all the files to the new directory.
6.1, 6.2, 6.3 or later
21 Sep 2011

Supported Video Files:
'mov', 'avi', 'mpeg', 'mp4', 'R3D'

Collect files of the script


Installation Notes:
1. Copy "" to nuke plugins directory (Example: "C:\Program Files\Nuke6.1v1\plugins")
2. Open "" located on "C:\Program Files\Nuke6.1v1\plugins"
3. And paste this:
import collectFiles
4. Save it and restart nuke
5. Open the Script Command window and paste this:
6. Check the python button and press ok
Create Menu Node:
1. Open "" located on "C:\Program Files\Nuke6.1v1\plugins"
2. And paste this at the end:
#Collect Files Menu Node
collectMenu ="Nodes").addMenu("Collect_Files")
collectMenu.addCommand('Collect Files', 'collectFiles.collectFiles()')
collectMenu.addCommand('Help', 'collectFiles.myBlog()')

Please login in order to download these files.


+2 # Ernesto Cespedes 2011-09-19 08:41
0 # Andres Grynberg 2015-06-29 15:51
ah, sos de racin?
+1 # Ariel M.O. Picone 2011-09-21 13:22
Works perfectly! Thanks!
+1 # Jung Keun Kim 2011-10-13 11:24
0 # sebastian laas 2012-02-03 09:55
Super great script. Muchas Gracias.
0 # ASIF HAQUE 2012-04-25 10:57
This script is amazing! I have been using it for a while now, but right now I have NukeX 6.3v5 and when I try to add code in to the file and launch nuke I get an thi: "error interpreting this plugin"

If I leave the menu file alone and just use the script command window it still works. Just wondering if there is a way to add it back to the menu!

Thank you!
0 # ASIF HAQUE 2012-04-25 11:03
NVM just figured out what I did wrong! Thanks again for the awesome script!!
0 # kaushal shah 2012-05-05 04:11
5. Open the Script Command window and paste this: llectFiles()

i am not getting it with this point.....
is that mean, i have to paste llectFiles() in ?
0 # kaushal shah 2012-05-05 06:17
Okeys.... the problem is in the given script.
i have solved and now working fine ....
0 # kerem ogan 2012-09-29 04:07
its great! thank you so much
+1 # simon ritchie 2012-10-18 09:04
Thanks for the script.

They only thing I found is that it doesn't seem to work for stereo comps . ie when the read node is: Shot_001_%V.### #.exr. Any idea on how to correct this?
0 # Kubo Yoshiharu 2013-03-24 19:43
whoaaa..this is really saves my day...thank you so much !!!
0 # Dongkyun Kim 2014-05-01 03:49
THank you~ There is not this script on the homepage of Marianoantico~ So while I was searching this script I got it here~ Thank you ~
0 # yongsoo jung 2015-02-05 10:22
wow very thank you

this script good
0 # Alexey Ushakov 2015-12-21 20:51
Open and paste:
import collectFiles
m.addCommand('File/Collect Files', 'collectFiles.collectFiles()')

works fine! thanks!!!
0 # Jeang Jenq Loh 2017-09-04 07:06
Still works great in Nuke10.5v1! One thing I always find inconvenience is this script doesn't work with TCL relative file path, like
[file dirname [value]] and I have a habit of doing it.
Modifying line 143 to
fileNodePath = nuke.filename(fileNode)
if os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(str(fileNodePath))):
solves the problem for me.
0 # Lukasz Stolarski 2017-11-16 19:46
Thank you so much for sharing that!
One question:
So you replace two lines? Or by adding those two lines you've mentioned you actually add one? Sorry, I'm new to this.

The code before (lines 142-144):
if not checkForKnob(fi leNode, 'Render'):
fileNodePath = fileNode['file' ].value()
if (fileNodePath == ''):

Code after (lines 142-145):
if not checkForKnob(fi leNode, 'Render'):
fileNodePath = nuke.filename(fileNode)
if os.path.exists( os.path.dirname (str(fileNodePa th))):
if (fileNodePath == ''):

If after if... Is that ok? ;)
0 # Jeang Jenq Loh 2017-11-18 13:20
Hi there,

That seems correct, so the whole chunk would be like:
#check for 'file' knob
if checkForKnob(fileNode, 'file'):
if not checkForKnob(fileNode, 'Render'):
fileNodePath = nuke.filename(fileNode)
if os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(str(fileNodePath))):
if (fileNodePath == ''):
If after If is alright as long as the indentation is done correctly, I remember I have to add indentation to a really huge chunk after I added that "if" line.
Not sure if reply here would show the indentation so you're gonna have to check it yourself ;)
0 # Rohaman Sabbir 2018-05-10 17:38
Is it work for mac OSX?
0 # Jeang Jenq Loh 2018-07-20 00:04
And it's still working great in Nuke11.1v2! But I've noticed another problem with frame padding. The script works with %0#d by creating a list from %01d to %08d, so it does not work with hashes frame padding. Once again, by replacing line 143 with

fileNodePath = nukescripts.replaceHashes(str(nuke.filename(fileNode)))
And following my comment from above regarding relative file paths, the script can now work with relative file paths and #### frame padding.
0 # Jeang Jenq Loh 2018-07-20 00:05
Oh and forgot to mention, you also need to add
import nukescripts
in the beginning in the import block at the beginning of the script, around line 57 will do.
0 # Jerome Desvignes 2018-12-21 17:34

i wanted to use this script but something came up, it doesn't handle

[file dirname [value]]

any idea to make it work ?

thanks by advance
0 # Henrique Reginato 2019-02-09 00:58
ike it was said before:

Still works great in Nuke10.5v1! One thing I always find inconvenience is this script doesn't work with TCL relative file path, like
[file dirname [value]] and I have a habit of doing it.
Modifying line 143 to

fileNodePath = nuke.filename(f ileNode)
if os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(str(fileNodePath))):

solves the problem for me.
0 # Henrique Reginato 2019-02-09 00:57
Like it was said before:

Still works great in Nuke10.5v1! One thing I always find inconvenience is this script doesn't work with TCL relative file path, like
[file dirname [value]] and I have a habit of doing it.
Modifying line 143 to

fileNodePath = nuke.filename(f ileNode)
if os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(str(fileNodePath))):

solves the problem for me.
0 # Marcus Johnson 2020-09-21 23:49
i'm new to nuke, can anybody explain in further detail or show me a video how this tool is useful. thanks much
0 # Jenish Chodvadiya 2021-12-31 10:48
Nuke 13 this plugin is not working properly
+4 # Evgeniy Zozulya 2022-01-08 18:15
for Nuke 13
change line 114: raise Exception("Some thing's not working!")
+6 # Evgeniy Zozulya 2022-03-19 08:54
for Nuke 13
change line 114: raise Exception("Some thing's not working!")
change line 138: task.setProgres s(int(count*100 /len(nuke.allNo des())))
0 # Wasim Ansari 2022-05-09 14:29
Thanks this helped.
+1 # shakil shaikh 2022-08-20 11:57
not working in nuke 13 what to do?
0 # gsrt qwas 2022-08-22 14:59
not working in nuke 13.2 what to do?

File "C:/Program Files/Nuke13.2v 3/plugins/init. py", line 18, in
import collectFiles
File "C:/Program Files/Nuke13.2v 3/plugins\colle", line 114
raise Exception, "Something's not working!"
0 # MYOUNGHOON LEE 2023-01-11 03:04
Convert Script to python3 Version. This script is wrotten by python2. Since Nuke12, Only support python3.
0 # nitesh pancholi 2022-09-11 17:39
it is not working in nuke 13 what to do?

its shown in nuke when we use
nteger argument expected, got float
+2 # nitesh pancholi 2022-09-11 17:39
it is not working in nuke 13 what to do?

its shown in nuke when we use
nteger argument expected, got float
+5 # MYOUNGHOON LEE 2023-01-11 03:11
For After version of Nuke 12, need to convert script to python 3 using 2to3 plugin of PYTHON. and Change script line 114, 136 to
change line 114: raise Exception("Some thing's not working!")
change line 138: task.setProgres s(int(count*100 /len(nuke.allNo des())))
After then, it will works successfully.
Hope be helpful.
-1 # juyeong cheon 2023-03-29 03:11
Is there a solution when collecting files in EXR format does not work properly?
0 # Matthew Ingram 2024-02-22 13:57
I'm still in Nuke 11 and this works like a dream. Thank you so much.
0 # Matthew Ingram 2024-02-22 13:58
I'm still in Nuke 11 and this works like a dream. Thank you so much.
0 # Alankar Mohite 2024-02-27 18:13
anyone know how to install it in iOS

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