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Contributor: fxtor

3.96 Kb

Nuke Pane (python panel) for sharing nodes between Nuke-users on the same network. In stead of sending an email with nodes to another Nuke User, this script will make it possible to share nodes from inside Nuke to other users on the same network. Multiple users allowed

20 Jan 2022
Contributor: Dimitre91

2.83 Kb

Read from node is a python script that allows you to create a read node from a write node or any other node that has a readable 'file' field. It works for mov's and sequences and also automatically adapts to the correct frame padding.

21 Dec 2016
Contributor: AlPustika

63.91 Kb

RotoMaya - Tool for export rough masks from maya to nuke without rendering. Soft: Maya, Nuke, Windows

26 Nov 2015
Contributor: cgbeige

8.53 Kb

A cross-platform Python script to collect and relink scenes and assets.

05 Dec 2015
Contributor: MatteHue

0.48 Kb

Allows you to drag and drop alembic (.abc) files into your node graph.

03 Jan 2016
Contributor: nara

1.29 Kb

create the selected Write's file path

11 Jan 2016
Contributor: johnnyvfx

14.76 Kb

Nuke to Silhouette is a tool used to for quick and easy project setups with just one click of a button.

27 May 2017
Contributor: giorgiopitino

0.49 Kb

Change the on error knob for all the read nodes in your node graph in one click

18 Mar 2016
Contributor: Mad007

1.88 Kb

Customizable script to automate the creation of the write node with the correct file path, Ultra easy to customize just open the script and see the examples, If you have any doubts please fell free to contact me! Happy coding

19 Mar 2016
Contributor: frank

2.14 Kb

adds an export tab to F_Align to export corner pins

27 Mar 2016
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