SilhouetteStrokeImporter_v1 v1.0

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Contributor: Magno Borgo
This script will import open shapes with stroke width from Silhouette Roto and Paint
6.3 or later
19 Apr 2012

This set of scripts will export open shapes with stroke width from Silhouette Roto and Paint to Nuke 6.2+

Watch the video to learn how to use it and install.

This is an experimental release (it works), all feedback is welcome to improve it.
Not tested on Win/Linux, please let me know if you use it on these OS.

Current Know limitations:
No animated stroke width (wait for next version)
open Bezier shapes will not be exported.
Shapes with less than 4 points are not exported.

Please login in order to download these files.


0 # li zhaohui 2013-03-26 11:52
bvfx_NukeStroke Exporter_v1.0 SilhouetteStrok eImporter_v0.98 nuke7.0 in the perform SilhouetteStrok eImporter_v0.98 scripts, still error Close。Should rewrite the the roto and rotopaint node reason is nuke7.0.

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