Speedy Script v1.1

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Contributor: Andrea Geremia
Free panel for The Foundry’s Nuke that improves the import/export of the scripts, or parts of them, using Groups
14.0, 13.2, 13.1, 13.0, 12.2, 12.1, 12.0, 11.3, 11 or later
Linux, Mac, Windows
11 Dec 2023





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The basic functions “Insert Comp Nodes” and “Export Comp Nodes” are evolved with Speedy Script, in order to save time and RAM space, maintaining your script always clean.

For the Artists, Speedy Script is a really good approach when they have to import, for example, a previous version of the script because they need only some nodes.

Speedy Script is also Pipeline-oriented. You don’t need other modules or plugins and it can be expanded according to the needs of every company. Speedy Script is not “installation dependent”: it will work on all the machines where Speedy Script is not installed.

Speedy Script is ready for Nuke13 and Python3



 Check the website for more info: http://www.andreageremia.it/tutorial_speedyscript.html


When you have to take parts of the script from a previous version, you should open a new instance of Nuke, or use the classic Import Comp Nodes.

It's annoying, slow and confusing, especially because of the loadings of a new instance of Nuke.

So, the solution: instead of opening a new instance of Nuke, artists can import the old script into a Group, copying nodes that they want and then delete the Group!


The first Tab of Speedy Script is dedicated for the Import. Here you have 4 different ways to select the script that you want to import:

  • File Browser: is the classic window that you can use to navigate your folders and selecting the file .nk to import.
  • Other version: if your script is saved into a folder, with this button you can directly import a Nuke script from that folder. It’s really good to use this option when you want to import a previous version of your script. In case you didn’t save your script yet, it will open the classic File Browser.
  • File Path: copy and paste the file path of your .nk file and import it. For example, use this way if your colleague will send you the path of his script
  • Recent Files: here you have a list of the last 25 scripts opened. Really easy and fast because you don’t need to open or navigate the file browser



In every scenario, the script that you select, will be imported in a red Group as the image below.



Now, if you enter into the Group with CTRL+ENTER or by clicking the S icon in the properties (upper-right corner), you will see the entire tree.









Even the Export of your Gizmos/nodes has been improved with Speedy Script. 



Usually, when you create a Gizmo with Nuke, you can Export it with the default button “export as gizmo…” or 'File > Export Selected nodes'.


You will get your file .gizmo exported into a folder, but you have to change manually some lines of the code: version of Nuke, from Gizmo to Group, name of the node, xpos, ypos.

Using Speedy Script, every annoying operation will be automated and your Gizmo will be ready for use.









With this function, Speedy Script will import the script which generated the specific Read Node.

Using this extra feature, when you render something, you can add to Metadata the path of the Nuke Script that generated this render.





There is an extra Tab into the Properties of the the Read Nodes where you will see two buttons. Now you can Import/Open the Nuke Script.







Speedy Script is pipeline oriented and it can be adapted to the needs of each company.

Of course, every programmer can customize Speedy Script according to the Pipeline and I just would like to send you a small input. As proposed in the below image, when you open the Properties of a Read node, you could directly import some assets related to that footage

For example: Degrain plate, Camera and Lens Distortion, environment, geometries, and so on...





It's really easy to install the package, because all the paths and folders are already created.

1. Extract the folder from the file .zip

2. Drag and drop the folder in your .nuke folder
#path would be something like this:

#Linux: /home/login name/.nuke
#Mac OS X: /Users/login name/.nuke
#Windows: drive letter:\Users\user name\.nuke



3. Open the file init.py inside your ~/.nuke folder with a text editor, or create it if it doesn’t exist.
You can create a new Text file and change the format from .txt into .py
Don’t change the file init.py into SpeedyScript folder

4. Add the following lines and modify the path according to your .nuke folder (Don't delete the 'r' before the path):

import nuke
nuke.pluginAddPath(r'C:\Users\user name\.nuke\SpeedyScript')

5. Run Nuke

6. Open Nuke and Speedy Script is not visible yet.



7. Click on the icon and go to Windows > Custom > Speedy Script



Please login in order to download these files.


+1 # David Catalano 2023-04-13 08:22
Finally !!!! Thanks Andrea !!!

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