MultiChannelSplit_v03 v3.0

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Contributor: Simon Jokuschies
MultiChannelSplit shuffles and autocroppes each layer individually. Shuffle out all layers or just individual layers. Option to prepare for outout - create and set up write nodes and create render directories automatically
8.0, 7.1, 7.0, 6.3 or later
Linux, Mac, Windows
26 Nov 2014

MultiChannelSplit shuffles and autocroppes each layer individually. Shuffle out all layers or just individual layers. Option to prepare for outout - create and set up write nodes and create render directories automatically.

Just select the node from which you like to shuffle out and press alt+m or go to scripts->MultiChannelSplit


Demo video:

Further information:


Instal: Download MultiChannelSplit and put it in your nuke home directory. In your write:


Screen Shot 2014-11-26 at 14.40.27


Please login in order to download these files.


0 # Natz TST 2020-04-14 07:52
Hello, could you please add a documentation of how to install it?
0 # Geks One 2020-11-03 09:34
Copy MultiChannelSpl to .nuke folder, add to this:

import nuke
import MultiChannelSplit"Nuke").addCommand('Scripts/MultiChannelSplit', 'MultiChannelSp lit.MultiChanne lSplit()', 'alt+m')
+3 # Jasonsd sdaadd 2021-04-10 11:45
Hi bro.I really like this tool,but in Nuke 13 it cant use.Could you upadate the py3.0?,
+5 # Lundy Hu 2021-12-07 09:15

1. open the
2. replace print to print() in line51, line54

As follows,

print("created dir at %s" % path)

print("could not created dir at %s" % path)


0 # Slobodan Jankovic 2022-10-13 16:13
Thank you so much!!!
0 # vadivel padyachi 2023-09-06 12:59
it works thanks :lol:
0 # RAVIKUMAR GHAYAT 2022-12-23 17:33
Not working in in nuke 13, did the corrections also
0 # lust love 2023-03-26 08:19
don't copy full folder to nuke plugin dir, just copy multichannelspl to nuke home path,and everything else is the same,You would better refer to the blogger's method to modify the python script.
0 # lust love 2023-03-26 08:04
Iin nuke13 ,importError: bad magic number in 'MultiChannelSp lit': b'\x03\xf3\r\n'
0 # lust love 2023-03-26 08:21
ii'm sorry,i had solved it.
0 # Marie-Josée Parent 2023-08-05 14:44
how did you solved it ?
could you share please ?
+2 # Slobodan Jankovic 2023-08-10 12:39
Open "MultiChannelSp" select all and delete, and copy txt below and paste it in....

# MultiChannelSpl it
# @author simon jokuschies
# @email
# @version 3.0
# description:
# the script splits a multichannel exr into single layers
# and autocrops them automatically.
# instalation
# put whole MultiChannelSpl it folder in nuke home directory
# in your write this lines (without #) :
# nuke.pluginAddPath("MultiChannelSpl it")

#no need to change anything from here. Edit only if you exactly know what you're doing.

import nuke
import nukescripts
import os,sys

def getUniqueChanne lLayerList(read Node):
return all channel layer that are included in the selected read node
return: string-array
#function that returns unique channel layers
rawChannelList = readNode.channe ls()
channelLayerLis t = []
for channel in rawChannelList:
channelLayer = channel.split(" .")
channelLayerLis t.append(channelLayer[0])

channelLayerLis t = list(set(channelLayerLis t))
channelLayerLis t.sort()
return channelLayerLis t

def createFolders(p ath):
create folder if not exist
return true if suceeded, false otherwise
if not os.path.isdir(p ath):
os.makedirs(pat h)
print("created dir at %s" % path)
return True
print("could not created dir at %s" % path)
return False

class MultiChannelSpl itPanel(nukescripts.PythonPanel):
MultiChannelSpl itPanel
def __init__( self ):
init values
global uniqueLayers
global layerCheckboxes
global panelHeight

panelHeight = 160

nukescripts.Pyt honPanel.__init __(self, "MultichannelSp lit", "MultiChannelSpl it")
self.setMinimum Size(450,panelH eight)

self.autoCrop = nuke.Boolean_Kn ob("autoCrop"," autocrop",0.0)
self.autoCrop.s etFlag(nuke.STA RTLINE)
self.prepareFor Output = nuke.Boolean_Kn ob("prepareForO utput","prepare for output",0.0)
self.prepareFor Output.setFlag(nuke.STARTLINE)
self.outputPath = nuke.File_Knob( 'outputPath', 'output path')
self.outputPath .setVisible(Fal se)
self.div=nuke.T ext_Knob("","", "")
self.which=nuke .Enumeration_Kn ob("which","",[ "all AOVs","individu al AOVs"])
self.addKnob(se lf.autoCrop)
self.addKnob(self.prepareFor Output)
self.addKnob(se lf.outputPath)
self.addKnob(se lf.div)
self.addKnob(se lf.which)

#layer checkboxes
uniqueLayers = getUniqueChanne lLayerList(nuke .selectedNode() )
layerCheckboxes = []
self.allLayer = nuke.Script_Kno b("allLayer", "select all")
self.allLayer.s etVisible(False )
self.noLayer = nuke.Script_Kno b("noLayer", "deselect all") tVisible(False)
self.div2=nuke. Text_Knob("","a vailable AOVs","")
self.div2.setVi sible(False)
self.addKnob(se lf.div2)
self.addKnob(se lf.allLayer)
self.addKnob(se lf.noLayer)

for layer in uniqueLayers:
self.layer = nuke.Boolean_Kn ob(layer,layer, 0)
self.layer.setF lag(nuke.STARTL INE)
self.layer.setV isible(False)
self.addKnob(se lf.layer)
layerCheckboxes .append( yer)

self.div3=nuke. Text_Knob("","" ,"")
self.addKnob(se lf.div3)

def show( self ):
action performed when pressed ok
if nukescripts.Pyt honPanel.showMo dalDialog(self) :

def multiChannelSpl it():
main function
split the selected read node in separate channel layers
if set create separate folders and write nodes
sel = nuke.selectedNo de()

autocropNodeRGB _exists=False

if sel != None:

#main procedure
#create shuffle, shuffle channel in, curvetool crop, create cropnode and paste that information in, delete crop node


if self.autoCrop.g etValue()==1.0:
curveNode = nuke.nodes.Curv eTool(name="Aut ocrop_Master", inputs = [sel], operation="Auto Crop")
curveNode["chan nels"].setValue ("rgba")
curveNode.knob( "ROI").setValue ([0,0,sel.width (),sel.height() ])
nuke.execute(cu rveNode, sel.knob("first ").value(), sel.knob("last" ).value())

layersToProcess =[]

if self.which.getV alue()== 0.0:
layersToProcess = uniqueLayers
for layer in layerCheckboxes :
if layer.getValue( )==True:
layersToProcess .append(layer.n ame())

if len(layersToPro cess)>0:
dot = nuke.createNode ("Dot", inpanel=False)

for channelLayer in layersToProcess :
shuffleNode = nuke.nodes.Shuf fle(name="Shuff le_"+channelLay er)
shuffles.append ( me())
shuffleNode.kno b("in").setValu e(channelLayer)
shuffleNode["hi de_input"].setV alue(True)
shuffleNode.set Input(0,sel)
shuffleNode["xp os"].setValue(s el["xpos"].getV alue()+(o*100))
shuffleNode["yp os"].setValue(s el["ypos"].getV alue()+150)
shuffleNode.set Input(0,dot)
shuffleNode["po stage_stamp"].s etValue(True)

#auto crop if selected
if self.autoCrop.g etValue()==1.0:
if autocropNodeRGB _exists==False:
cropNode = nuke.nodes.Crop (name=channelLa yer, inputs = [shuffleNode])
cropNode.knob(" hide_input").se tValue(True)
cropNode.knob(" box").copyAnima tions(curveNode .knob("autocrop data").animatio ns())
nuke.delete(cur veNode)
cropNode.knob(" postage_stamp") .setValue(True)
cropNode.setXpo s(int(shuffleNo de["xpos"].getV alue()))
cropNode.setYpo s(int(shuffleNo de["ypos"].getV alue()+80))
shuffleNode["hi de_input"].setV alue(False)
cropNode["hide_ input"].setValu e(True)
nukescripts.cle ar_selection_re cursive()
cropNode["selec ted"].setValue( True)
nuke.nodeCopy(" %clipboard%")
autocropNodeRGB _exists=True
shuffleNode["po stage_stamp"].s etValue(False)
cropNode["posta ge_stamp"].setV alue(True)
cropCopy = nuke.nodePaste( "%clipboard%")
cropCopy["name" ].setValue(chan nelLayer)
cropCopy.setInp ut(0,shuffleNod e)
cropCopy.setXpo s(int(shuffleNo de["xpos"].getV alue()))
cropCopy.setYpo s(int(shuffleNo de["ypos"].getV alue()+80))

#create folders for all layer and create write node for every shuffle
if self.outputPath .getValue()!="" :
renderTo = self.outputPath .getValue()
createFolders(r enderTo+"/"+cha nnelLayer)
#create write node
write = nuke.nodes.Writ e()
write.knob("fil e_type").setVal ue("exr")
write.knob("fil e").setValue(re nderTo+channelL ayer+"/"+channe lLayer+"_%04d.e xr")
write.knob("com pression").setV alue("Zip (16 scanlines)")
write.knob("cha nnels").setValu e("rgba")

if self.autoCrop.g etValue()==True :
write.setInput( 0,cropNode)
write.setInput( 0,shuffleNode)

if len(layersToPro cess)>0:
nuke.delete(dot )

#hide all created shuffle inputs
for shuffleNode in shuffles:
if self.autoCrop.g etValue()==1.0:
temp = nuke.toNode(shu ffleNode)
temp.knob("hide _input").setVal ue(True)
temp.knob("post age_stamp").set Value(True)

multiChannelSpl it()

def knobChanged( self, knob ):
panel knob changed actions
if == "prepareForOutp ut":
if self.prepareFor Output.getValue() == 1.0:
self.outputPath .setVisible(Tru e)
self.setMinimum Size(450,panelH eight+50)
self.outputPath .setVisible(Fal se)
self.setMaximum Size(450,panelH eight)

if == "allLayer":
for layer in layerCheckboxes :
layer.setValue( 1.0)

if == "noLayer":
for layer in layerCheckboxes :
layer.setValue( 0.0)

if == "which":
if self.which.getV alue()==1.0:
self.setMinimum Size(450,panelH eight + (len(layerCheck boxes) * 25))
self.allLayer.s etVisible(True) tVisible(True)
self.div2.setVi sible(True)
for layer in layerCheckboxes :
layer.setVisibl e(True)
self.setMaximum Size(450,panelH eight)
self.setMinimum Size(450,panelH eight)
self.allLayer.s etVisible(False ) tVisible(False)
self.div2.setVi sible(False)
for layer in layerCheckboxes :
layer.setVisibl e(False)

def MultiChannelSpl it():
execute main
MultiChannelSpl itPanel().show()
0 # arshad ansari 2023-08-15 08:58
i followed every method, Its not working.
0 # Slobodan Jankovic 2023-08-20 18:46
this is context:

import nuke
import MultiChannelSplit"Nuke").addCommand('Scripts/MultiChannelSplit', 'MultiChannelSp lit.MultiChanne lSplit()', 'alt+m')
0 # Slobodan Jankovic 2023-08-20 18:53
Also you need to put files here:

c:\Users\YOUR USER\.nuke\MultiChannelSplit\

Structure of files need to be:
and folder wih name "__pycache__" with files: MultiChannelSpl it.cpython-37.p yc and MultiChannelSpl it.cpython-39.p yc ...
0 # Tilghman Wendel 2023-09-04 21:41
Noob here but got this to work on non-commercial 14.0v5

As others have commented, you need to fix the MultiChannelSpl per these instructions:

replace print to print() in line51, line54

As follows,
print("created dir at %s" % path)
print("could not created dir at %s" % path)

The is fine as-is.

Placing the entire MultiChannelSpl it folder in C:\Users\YOURNA ME\.nuke is where things weren't working for me.

I copied all 3 individual files from within the MultiChannelSpl it folder to my \.nuke directory and the lights turned on.

Give it a shot, you might get lucky.
0 # f sl 2024-03-04 08:12
find a bug in newly version Statements must be separated by newlines or semicolons in line 51/54 :-*

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