Nuke_Knob_Changer v1.0
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A small python panel to assist with changing the values of knobs on multiple nodes inside of nuke at the same time without the need to type up python
I created this script to help a few friends of mine who arent python savy plus a few others who a bit lazy like me who dont want to type python everytime we want to change the value of 30 different nodes at the same time. As this is the first version of the script there is still a few bugs I need to try and work out
for mostly all knobs the script works as is but if it is a dynamic slider that can also have seperate text fields instead of a slider you need to be picky about your syntax when typing in the values some examples of the sliders are
on the blur node
or on the Constant or any colour knob
if you want to add the value as a slider you need to type 1.0, 5.0 2.34 etc
if you have broken the slider into the respective text boxes
you will need to type in the value as 1234 where the 1 is the Red 2 is the Green 3 is the Blue and 4 is the Alpha. The same goes for the blur slider where it has only 2 boxes so 12 would do a value of 1 and a value of 2.
the problem with this is you are limited to a max value of 9 for each box with this script. I am looking into trying to fix this so it works regardless of the values.
To Install The Script Copy it to your .nuke Directory
Windows C:/users//.nuke
Linux /home//.nuke
Add the text below to your in your .nuke directory
If doesn't exist create one
import Nuke_Knob_Changer
def addKnobChanger():
KnobChanger = Nuke_Knob_Changer.KnobChanger()
return KnobChanger.addToPane()
##THIS LINE WILL ADD THE NEW ENTRY TO THE PANE MENU'Pane').addCommand('KnobChanger', addKnobChanger)
nukescripts.registerPanel('com.0hufx.KnobChanger', addKnobChanger)
If you have any questions about the script drop a comment or shoot me an email and ill do my best to answer. If you have any feature requests of bugs that you encounter again drop a comment or shoot me an email and ill do my best to adress tha
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