superSwap v1.0

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Contributor: Timur Khodzhaev
superSwap is a improved version of Nuke's defauld behaviour for swapAB hotkey. In addition to default behavior it performs much more depending on node you working with
9.0, 8.0, 7.1, 7.0 or later
Linux, Mac, Windows
22 Sep 2015

superSwap is improved version of Nuke's swapAB mechanics.

I'm a big fan of the hotkeys myself and think that using hotkeys can improve productivity a lot. So I decided to improve one of the wide used hotkeys in Nuke. By default Nuke will swap A and B inputs of the node if you press Shit+X or select Edit/Node/Swap A -B in a top menu.

Depending on a selected node superSwap will perform different operations:

  • Grade - toggles on/off reverse checkbox
  • Transform - toggles on/off invert checkbox
  • Ramp - swaps p0 and p1 switching ramp direction effectively
  • Shuffle - shuffles selected channel in all channels based on a selection made in a first row
  • CornerPin2D - toggles on/off invert checkbox
  • Mirror - toggles between horizontal and vertical mirror modes
  • FrameHold - sets current frameHold to the current frame in the timeline
  • Blur - toggles blur channels between rgba and alpha only

If you have any other usefull ideas for this tool I would be happy to consider implementing them in this tool.

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+1 # Chris Forrester 2015-09-17 10:31
Just saw this on the Nukepedia twitter feed, I read it and thought genius what a fantastic idea! I am downloading it now and adding it to my toolset and most likely will be smiling a little bit more when I save a few clicks from using this.
Thank you!
+1 # satheesh R 2015-09-17 10:41
This is cool. I'm going to add some more nodes behavior with your code and add it into my fav short-cut. Thanks for the idea.
+1 # Timur Khodzhaev 2015-09-17 23:26
Thanks for feedback guys.

SatheeshR: you could probably tell me your ideas and I might add them to the next version of the tool.

Colorspace swap coming in a version v1.1 based on early users feedback.

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