VP My Little Helpers v1.2

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Contributor: Vladislav Parfentev
Website: parfprod.com
Almost invisible helpers for Compositing artist!
14.0, 13.2, 13.1, 13.0 or later
Linux, Mac, Windows
12 Jun 2023

Almost invisible helpers for compositing artist!


smart autosave

  • adds a TCL command to Preferences -> Autosave.
  • creates autosaves of the project script in a folder next to the script.

default viewer state is input

  • changes default Viewer state from Global to Input.

read write colorizer

  • allows coloring Read and Write nodes based on the file extensions.
  • you can modify extensions using `./config/USERCONFIG.ini`
  • developed with Igor Baydak.

compare versions before render

  • checks the match between the Write node version and the project version before rendering.

disconnect viewers inputs after script load

  • disconnects all Inputs for all Viewers after script loading.

delete temp files after render

  • checks if there are any .tmp files in the sequence folder after rendering and deletes them.

config editor

  • opens .nuke folder.
  • helps to open any config files or folders from inside Nuke (relatively to .nuke folder).
  • have functionality to restart Nuke (support restarting with open project).
  • you can modify config files or folders using `./config/USERCONFIG.ini`


  1. Move 'VP_MyLittleHelpers' folder to '/.nuke/VP_MyLittleHelpers'
  2. To file '/.nuke/init.py' add next code:
  • import nuke
  • nuke.pluginAddPath('./VP_MyLittleHelpers')


  1. Delete folder 'little_helpers' ('/.nuke/VP_MyLittleHelpers/little_helpers')
  2. Move !new! 'little_helpers' folder to '/.nuke/VP_MyLittleHelpers/little_helpers'


  • Edit `./config/USERCONFIG.ini` file to change VP_MyLittleHelpers settings


  • If you have any ideas for little helpers - let me know! Enjoy ^_^
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+1 # Thomas Vu 2023-06-12 03:34
This little help really gave me big help for work flow, thank you for sharing this to the community
0 # Vladislav Parfentev 2023-06-12 10:16
Thank you!

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