Renderlist v1.4

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Contributor: John Clayton
A Python tool for queuing renders on a single workstation
14.0, 13.2, 13.1, 13.0, 12.2, 12.1, 12.0 or later
03 Dec 2023

renderlist mainwindow comp



 Renderlist is a Python tool for Nuke that lets you queue and render multiple Nuke scripts.



Queue up Nuke scripts to render one after another.

Option to shutdown PC once all renders are finished.

Right click scripts in the list to get full info and browse output paths.



Copy the 'renderlist' folder to your ~/.nuke directory, and add the following to your


Once installed, open Renderlist from the top toolbar by choosing Render > Renderlist.



Tested on Nuke 12.2v2, 13.0v1 and 14.0v2 on Windows.


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+1 # Dario Siero 2023-06-09 09:03
I'm on 13.2v6 but after clicking on "Render", the status of the first render changes to "rendering" and it just crashes nuke. :(
+1 # John Clayton 2023-10-22 13:45
Sorry, I don't have access to 13.~ versions of Nuke, but I have tested it with 14.0 and it works fine. I've made a few changes in 1.2, if it still doesn't work can you provide the commandline output from Nuke when it crashes?
0 # John Clayton 2023-12-02 18:59
Hi Dario, I've updated the submission with a new version, which adds 13.x support. Let me know if there are still issues. Cheers!
0 # Dario Siero 2023-12-02 20:15
1.3 Works like charm!

Thank you John :-)
0 # Thomas Vu 2023-11-30 06:41
im nuke 13.0 and this tool doesnt work, here is the crash log, hope it could help to fix
0 # Thomas Vu 2023-11-30 06:42
Disk cache C:/Users/ADMINI ~1/AppData/Loca l/Temp/nuke\Vie werCache/??: 8190MB (14% of 62464MB) used in 1082 files.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
File "C:/Users/Admin istrator/.nuke/ renderlist/rend erlist\renderli", line 47, in main
renderListWindo w.updateTable()
File "C:/Users/Admin istrator/.nuke/ renderlist/rend erlist\renderli", line 315, in updateTable
self.RenderStat usWidget[script .number] = rl_RenderStatusWidget.RenderStatusWidget(script.number)
TypeError: 'range' object does not support item assignment
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:/Users/Admin istrator/.nuke/ renderlist/rend erlist\renderli", line 43, in
self.renderBtn. clicked.connect (lambda: self.startRende r(True))
File "C:/Users/Admin istrator/.nuke/ renderlist/rend erlist\renderli", line 176, in startRender
self.updateTabl e()
File "C:/Users/Admin istrator/.nuke/ renderlist/rend erlist\renderli", line 315, in updateTable
self.RenderStat usWidget[script .number] = rl_RenderStatusWidget.RenderStatusWidget(script.number)
TypeError: 'range' object does not support item assignment
Qt: Untested Windows version 10.0 detected!
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
File "C:/Users/Admin istrator/.nuke/ renderlist/rend erlist\renderli", line 47, in main
renderListWindo w.updateTable()
File "C:/Users/Admin istrator/.nuke/ renderlist/rend erlist\renderli", line 315, in updateTable
self.RenderStat usWidget[script .number] = rl_RenderStatusWidget.RenderStatusWidget(script.number)
TypeError: 'range' object does not support item assignment
0 # John Clayton 2023-11-30 21:38
Hi Thomas, sorry about this! Are you sure you're using version 1.1.1? This same error was present in Nuke 14.0, and was fixed there. I don't currently have access to 13.0!
0 # Thomas Vu 2023-12-02 06:01
I just redownloaded it for sure im using v1.1.1, this time its crash right after I hit render, terminal force close, there are no log...sorry
0 # John Clayton 2023-12-02 18:58
Hi Thomas, I've updated the submission with a new version, which adds 13.x support. Let me know if there are still issues. Cheers!
0 # Thomas Vu 2023-12-03 03:47
its working now, just like a charm,
But there are some report about status failed: Untested windows version 10.0 detected,
and next is proxy mode, will you have an idea to deal with it ? we have to double check turn on/off before add to queues. would be nice if it have a tick box for it.
the last one is delete script, right now it cant delete multiple file
0 # John Clayton 2023-12-03 10:38
It looks like Nuke outputs warnings as errors in the commandline, so Renderlist currently picks that up as a fail, even though it continues rendering in the background. I'll look into that.

Some great suggestions, you can clear the list by alt+clicking on "delete", but multiple selections would be a great thing to add. I'll look into it, thanks Thomas :-)
0 # Thomas Vu 2023-12-04 04:45
cool the alt delete so secret. I will wait for new verion, thank you
0 # Xavier Bourque 2023-11-30 21:05
Hi, just a heads up that if renderlist is not installed directly in .nuke (very common in pipelines), renders fail because the ~/.nuke/RenderL ist directory is non-existant and renderlist fails to create it.

Creating the ~/.nuke/RenderL ist directory manually in a file explorer fixed the problem for me.

Here's the error from the console:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users/mikeh unt/.nuke/nuke- renderlist-1.1. 1/renderlist\re nderlist_ui_add", line 124, in submitToList
ui_main.RenderL istWindow.addSc riptToList(self .parentWindow,
File "C:\Users/mikeh unt/.nuke/nuke- renderlist-1.1. 1/renderlist\re nderlist_ui_mai", line 285, in addScriptToList veList()
File "C:\Users/mikeh unt/.nuke/nuke- renderlist-1.1. 1/renderlist\re nderlist_functi", line 47, in saveList
with open( nderListFilePat h, 'w') as outfile:
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'C:/Users/mikeh unt/.nuke/Rende rList/renderlis t.json'
0 # John Clayton 2023-11-30 21:34
Hi Xavier, thanks for pointing this out. My assumption was that anyone with a pipeline would be using Deadline instead!

I've added some code to the next version to create the ~/.nuke/renderl ist folder if it doesn't already exist.
0 # Pål Gustav Widerberg 2024-05-08 08:42
This looked very promising, but I'm getting mostly failed renders, giving the error "Prelaunch pb?1" if I click the infor-button in the window. The console is not giving any errors.

Would be real nice to know whether it tries to render using frameserver or not too, and give me the option to disable frameserver also.
0 # John Clayton 2024-05-08 10:26
Hi Pål, sorry to hear you're having issues. Which version of Nuke are you using Renderlist with? And on what OS?

Renderlist doesn't use frameserver, and there aren't currently any plans to add support for this.
0 # Pål Gustav Widerberg 2024-05-08 11:53
Sorry, should've listed those data straight away. Nuke studio 15v4 running on win 11 23H2.
+1 # John Clayton 2024-05-08 13:20
Ah, Renderlist doesn't support v15 right now as we don't have it at the studio. I'll try to add support for it when I can get access to it!

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