RenderThreads v1.0

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Contributor: Timm Wagener
Easy per-frame multithreaded command-line rendering for Nuke
8.0 or later
Linux, Mac, Windows
20 Jan 2015

Hi guys, i'd like to present a little tool, which helps us in production here for some time now, called renderthreads.


Introduction Video


- - -


What is it ?
renderthreads is a Python package that enables easy per-frame command-line multithreaded rendering for the popular compositing
application Nuke. It does so by dividing your sequence into chunks of one frame each and spawns a render on the command line for
each. You can track the progress or abort the render anytime. Jobs that crashed are added back to the queue and rendered again.
By default each new command line render uses the same interactive license, as the Nuke you started the tool from.

For example the nuke comp you see in the introduction video (Full HD, 222 Frames) renders
with default Write node: 5 hours
with renderthreads (on 31 cores): 1 hour

What it's not ?
A replacement for your renderfarm or a full render manager. Its usefull when you want to speed up your local rendering.

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+6 # Abhimanyu Tanwar 2015-01-21 07:11
Thanks Timm Wagener !
+6 # Carlos Trijueque 2015-01-25 11:46
Looks awsome. I'll try ASAP.

+2 # Anton Ryabkov 2017-02-21 08:27
Constant error(
"Process termnated, maybe because of too rigit timeout setting.(1)"
+2 # Lu Ke 2017-05-02 14:24
this plugin looks amazing but I failed to make it work:

in nuke 9 I've install it but no buttons appear in the upper part of the render threads window (no Render nor Threads buttons etc.)

in nuke 10 I got an error :
# Result: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
File "/Library/Pytho n/2.7/site-pack ages/renderthre ads/renderthrea", line 47, in
from PySide import QtUiTools
ImportError: cannot import name QtUiTools

Does that sound something to someone ?
Do I have to update phyton to 3.6 ?

Thanks a lot

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