Animation Maker v1.4

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Contributor: David Emeny
Generate ease curves and wave expressions with just a right-click on any animatable value in Nuke. Live animating previews in dialog.
13.1, 12.2, 12.1, 12.0, 11.3, 11.2, 11.1, 11.0, 10 or later
Linux, Mac, Windows
04 Jul 2021

New in 1.4:

  1. Nuke 13 compatibility! Also backwards compatible with previous versions. Have tested on Linux and Mac.

New in 1.3:

  1. Nuke 11 compatibility! Also backwards compatible with previous versions.
  2. Bug fixed where knobs weren't behaving correctly if AnimationMaker used on multiple values on same knob.

New in 1.2:

  1. New blue colour scheme and better layout.
  2. Presets system added, so you can save frequently used setups eg: “Fast noise”, “Random blinking”. 
  3. Turbulence and fBm waves added, for more interesting noise patterns.
  4. Use arrow keys to increment/decrement values on the main interface.
  5. Remove the generated tab, baking the current values into a single expression for the knob.
  6. Remove the generated tab and restore the original value/curve.
  7. Mix the expression back to a given value/curve. As you can animate this mix value, it means you can turn the wave on and off over time. You can also choose to mix it back to the original value/curve, so you can now generate/remove multiple times on the same knob to create really complex patterns.
  8. Add the expression to the original value/curve. For example: create a curve in nuke with keyframes, then run AnimationMaker on that knob with a fast noise pattern from -0.1 to 0.1. Choose Add and it will give you the original curve with noise added.

Main description:

If you need to animate something in Nuke this tool gives you a suite of animation curves that you can apply just by right-clicking any animatable value on any node.

Ease curves such as Quad, Exponential, Bounce and Elastic. Wave curves such as Sine, Random, Noise, Triangle and Sawtooth. Options to combine a wave with an ease curve, turn a wave into a 'square' version, create a sequence of blips at certain intervals.

All visualised with a live animating preview in various forms. When your curve is chosen, hit Create to generate the expression on the knob in question. A user tab will be created on the node with sliders to adjust the expression on the fly.


Just add the py file to your .nuke or plugins folder and put import AnimationMaker in your That's it.



Animation maker in menu 










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+2 # joie hey 2014-06-24 09:34
This is great, I'm using this node almost on a day basis work! :)

I have a question though: How the hell can I use the animation maker TWICE in the same attribute?.

I mean, I use it to make a circle appear (animating the scale) but I also want to use it to make the circle disappear (same animation reversed). Is there a way to do that or do I need to bake the animation...

Thank you in advance.
0 # David Emeny 2014-09-26 16:19
Sorry joie hey for the slow response, I didn't see your comment until now.

Currently there's no way to do an ease in and then ease out on the same attribute. You could easily make a second transform node underneath the first, then replicate your AnimationMaker curve on that, but swapping the min and max values, and changing your Start and End frames. The nodes concatenate, so you wouldn't lose any quality.

Hope that helps (although I'm sure you solved it already...)
0 # joie hey 2015-06-29 13:20
Hi David;
Yeah, I managed to solve the issue, but I'm curious to know if you have plans on add that feature to the tool.

+1 # Jason Bergman 2014-09-25 18:18
So great! I've been copying in animation expressions for years. This is exactly what Nuke needs.
0 # Mike Bozulich 2015-06-24 18:32
This tool is crashing Nuke 9 when added to a transform. Anyone else seeing this?
+1 # David Emeny 2015-06-25 20:36
Had a couple of people say this, but I'm running it in Nuke9 just fine. Maybe you're on a different platform... I'm running it on Nuke 9.0v5 on Linux. If you can load Nuke through a terminal, maybe you can see where the error is happening?
0 # Mike Bozulich 2015-06-26 18:10
It is strange. I'm running 9.0v4 on Windows and it crashes. On another machine (same version and OS) it runs fine. I've also tried it running in on 9.0v6 and it still crashes. Running in a cmd window (terminal) with -V 2 flag doesn't report any errors. Could it be a python thing?
0 # David Emeny 2015-11-22 19:42
Now fixed in Nuke 9 on Mac and Windows. Sorry for the delay!
0 # Mike Bozulich 2015-11-26 04:54
I just gave it a shot. Works great! Thanks for the fix!
0 # Alexey Kuchinski 2016-12-11 17:36
Hi David, thank you a lot, working just great and i do abuse it a lot :lol:
no crashes no problems so far
Please think if you want to add "bake" button to the options in your anim tab - it may be handy to have it there in my opinion
0 # David Emeny 2016-12-12 12:08
Thanks for testing it for me :) I've already added a 'REMOVE' button, which effectively 'bakes' the tab variables into a single expression. If keyframes were involved in the creation of the curve it will give you the option to bake keyframes. Maybe I could always give the user the option to bake at that point, if that's something that would be useful?
0 # Alexey Kuchinski 2016-12-12 15:13
Quoting David Emeny:
Maybe I could always give the user the option to bake at that point, if that's something that would be useful?

Hi David, thank you for the fast reply!
this can be actually good idea - to prompt an user if he want to bake a curve or just to get rid of the variables. in this case you will not "polute" an interface with an additional button as well.
Thank you
+1 # Mads Hagbarth Damsbo 2016-12-12 11:26
Great update David!
0 # Andrew Rea 2017-05-17 16:02
An amazing addition to Nuke, thanks for sharing
0 # Lucas Pfaff 2017-07-24 17:08
Nuke 11 won't boot anymore when Animation Maker gets imported. Any idea what causes it?
0 # David Emeny 2017-07-24 17:23
Quoting Lucas Pfaff:
Nuke 11 won't boot anymore when Animation Maker gets imported. Any idea what causes it?

Hi Lucas, Animation Maker doesn't support Nuke 11 yet, and because it uses Pyside, it is quite likely to cause problems as Nuke 11 uses a new version of Pyside. I suggest uninstalling AnimationMaker until I can roll out a fix.
0 # David Emeny 2017-08-07 14:35
Quoting Lucas Pfaff:
Nuke 11 won't boot anymore when Animation Maker gets imported. Any idea what causes it?

Try the new version 1.3, it now works with Nuke 11.
0 # Lucas Pfaff 2017-08-07 15:04
Hi there David,

I accidentally already saw it on Facebook :) so far I had no time to check it out, but I already downloaded it. Thank you so much for thinking of and remining me :)

0 # li zhaohui 2017-07-26 15:27
wait for nuke11
0 # Suyog Pore 2017-09-12 12:06
Hi David,

Have been using this tool and its great to have to it in nuke to make animations.

I am facing an issue when I save a preset.

When I close and open the script I can't edit the preset. Nuke displays an error message as follows

- Invalid literal for int() with base 10: '50.0'

I am running Nuke 10.0v6 on linux.
0 # Dmytro Korolov 2017-10-27 20:16
Hi David

I have same issue like Suyog describe in many cases on Linux

I fixed this by making custom function that correctly convert string both type "1" and "1.0" to integer. Standard int() function give an error when use it like this int("1.0"). It a source of problem.

I define:

def intF(str):
return int(float(str))

and than replace all int() functions in code with intF(). It work good for me.

Can you make same fix in your code to all have corrected version?

0 # li zhaohui 2017-12-17 13:49
After adding Animation Maker animation, if you copy the node, when you need restore and remove
Can not be removed normally
0 # Erwan Leroy 2018-01-17 21:32
You can replace line 711 by :

removeButton.setValue("AnimationMaker.remove_tab(nuke.thisNode().name(),'%s','%s',%s)" %(,self.origKnobName,self.knobIndex))

and line 719 by:
restoreButton.s etValue("Animat ionMaker.remove _tab(nuke.thisN ode().name(),'% s','%s',%s,'%s' )" %( ,self.origKnobN ame,self.knobIn dex,self.origin alValue))
0 # Dorrell Lynch 2018-11-20 17:34
Cool plugin. I was wondering if it is possible to have a random flicker effect at a particular frame instead it starting from the beginning of the timeline frame 1?

I would like to have control over which frames it starts on and which frame it stops at.

Is this possible?
0 # Hossein Ghasemi 2019-01-14 09:49
Need urgent help
Hello. I need the source code of noise function for use in Maya.
0 # Arthur Argote 2019-05-15 02:39
Hello David!

Discovered this tool at a previous place I worked at. Had to search the internet for it when I started at a new place. Ty for the easy instal, however it outputted this error in nuke 11.2 and 11.3. Thanks for looking into this.

QWidget: Must construct a QApplication before a QPaintDevice

Any ideas? thanks!
0 # Jeremy Hardin 2019-09-30 12:41
Same error here. There is a print in the windows command shell that suggests there may have been a change in Qt?

"Qt: Untested Windows version 6.2 detected!"

This is windows 10, nuke 11.3v4.

Thoughts welcome.
+1 # li zhaohui 2021-03-26 16:34
Nuke13 not available
0 # David Emeny 2021-07-04 15:20
Hi, latest update 1.4 should now work with Nuke13, sorry for the delay!
0 # Daniel Raffel 2021-06-18 18:39
David do you have any plans to port this over to Nuke 13? It's a great tool and a go to for creating animation curves quickly.
0 # David Emeny 2021-06-21 15:25
Hi Daniel, yes I'm going to get it working in Nuke13 soon, I haven't had a chance to play with 13 much yet. Glad you find it useful.
0 # Thomas Vu 2021-07-05 03:46
finally. thank you so much. i was waiting for nuke13 support..

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