Flame Viewer v1.0

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Contributor: Erwan Leroy
Imitates the behavior of the viewer in Flame, without affecting the behavior of the original Viewer. Tested in nuke 7, 8, 9 (Preferences inaccessible in 9)
8.0, 7.1, 7.0 or later
11 Apr 2015

Useful for quickly exploring a node Graph, this Viewer script lets you view all the different inputs of a node as well as it's result without having to assign viewers to it.

Usage (With default keys):

Press F1 to view the A input of the selected Node. Press F1 again to shuffle through the different A inputs if more than one.

Press F2 to view the B input of a node.

Press F3 to view a Mask input (Will show nothing if no mask connected).

Press F4 to view the selected Node.

This will connect to your viewer as input 11 so it won't affect any of your other views.



Copy into menu.py:

import fviewer as fv
fvlayer = ('rgba','none')
nuke.addOnCreate(fv.init, nodeClass='Preferences')
nuke.addOnCreate(fv.init, nodeClass='Root')


Works in nuke 7, 8 and 9, although the preferences are not available in nuke 9.

Last update: December 2013

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0 # Thomas Vu 2016-09-17 08:00
hello, i can not use function rename (F2) in nuke studio anymore , so anyway to disable script when using editing mode in nukestudio ??

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