WelcomeScreen v1.1

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Contributor: Xing Huan
A simple screen which shows at startup
9.0 or later
06 Mar 2017

This is a sample welcome screen. It can show all recent files since you install it.



Please login in order to download these files.


0 # Thomas Vu 2017-03-06 03:47
i have a problem "QPixmap::scale d: Pixmap is a null pixmap"
this line keep running in cmd form untill i close it.
ps: nuke 10.5v02
0 # huan xing 2017-03-06 11:44
Did all icons display like the example picture? If not, please check the path. Look through the "read me.txt". If the problem still exist, send me a mail.
0 # Thomas Vu 2017-03-08 08:58
solved, thank huan xing for the read me.txt. just change the path to the custom folder inside the welcompath.py
But anyway to move that default screen, im using 2 monitor and the welcome screen popup one side, my nuke open in other side.
0 # huan xing 2017-03-08 16:22
I set the screen to show in the center of default screen. And I don't test it using 2 monitor so I don't know how to move it to another screen. But I can add a setting for user to set showing the border or not, in next version.
0 # Lucas Pfaff 2017-03-08 10:31
Hi there,

this looks really interesting but I also have problems getting it to work :(

The screen shows up, but it's not complete and I literally can't click anything. I can't close Nuke either, it's blocked. Looks like this: http://i.imgur.com/IKSn8qz.png

I have it on a network location, my Init looks like this:
And of course I changed the welcome_path.py:
Home_Path = os.path.expandu ser('~').replac e('\\','/') + '/Volumes/.../WelcomeScreen_v1.1'
(and the other value also accordingly)

I'm on OSX. Any idea?
0 # huan xing 2017-03-08 16:17
The string "os.path.expand user('~').repla ce('\\','/')" of Home_Path is your user folder. I don't know what it is in Mac. But according to your description, I think you should change the path to:
Home_Path = '/Volumes/.../WelcomeScreen_v1.1'

Users_Path = '/Volumes/.../WelcomeScreen_v1.1/users'
If you have it on a network location, don't use os.path.expandu ser('~').replac e('\\','/')
I hope it can help and all icons should display normally.
And another question: If the screen is blocked, it may be that when you don't save your last nk file and nuke shows a message asking you whether open the autosave file. The screen will block off the message window so that you can't click anything unless closing the message. When that happened on my computer, I offten press Enter or Esc to close the message. Or you can set the screen not show at startup. It's the best way if you still have this problem.
0 # Lucas Pfaff 2017-03-10 15:52
Hi there,

sorry for my late reply. I deleted that string you mentioned and now it works out! :)

The 2nd issue could be fixed by disabling the Slashscreen in some instances. But it makes totally sense that it's the little window you mention, so when you hit Return you can use the Welcomescreen :)

Thanks again, this will be really helpful!
+1 # Sven Akelian 2017-11-15 11:33
Thanks Huan

I updated the script for Pyside2 using Qt.py if interested.
I have also realised the really strange way you retrieve the package path and username here is, I think, a better approach:

Home_Path = realpath(dirname(__file__))
Users_Path = join(Home_Path,'users')

username = getpass.getuser ()
0 # Ruzz Blue 2019-09-29 19:09
It would be really great if by default this welcome screen could let you set the project properties. It's the first thing one should be aware off and yet sometimes I still forget to do it so having it at first hand in a welcome screen could really improve your workflow.
0 # Mohamed Abuzeid 2020-11-18 15:18
it's working on Nuke 10.5 , but on v11 and 12 it gives me error because of welcome screen and prevent nuke to open, so at the end I remove welcome screen if I will work on 11 or 12 !

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