fakeVolume v2.0
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8.0, 7.1, 7.0 or later
Linux, Mac, Windows
This tools allows you to create simple volumetric and atmospheric effects using Nuke's scanline renderer.
It is relatively fast to render.
Saves a lot of time in cases when you don't need interactive fog behaviour or some kind of turbulence motion in the fog.
You can fake some motion by moving fog volume in space. If you have a camera move paralax in the fog puffs will create nice illusion of the motion.
Here are some video examples:
If you liked this tool or used it for your personal project or at work please let me know.
Knowing that people use my tools keep me motivated to post updates and develop new ones.
tutorial coming soon...
Thank you very much,
v 2.0
- UI reworked
- threading
- texture projection
- additional controls
v 1.1 Updates:
- added merging mode pulldown
- fixed error with refreshing in Nuke 8.x
- added post grade options
keep it going
Your tool seems great and very reactive. I'm having problems with it though with Nuke 8.0v2. When I hit the "Refresh slices", I get this error message :
That should bring up a Python dialog box thing. Look for this line of code (about 25 lines down):
Replace it with this:
That should fix it. Hope that helps
I already updated my tool, just didn't had time to update it here.
Will try to upload a better version soon.
fixed mentioned above error and added couple more features.
Let me know if you have trouble using it guys.
Also, do you think it needs something like a video tutorial or controls are self explanatory?
Thanks for checking my tool, I'm glad that you liked my mask idea. In general both tools are almost the same with some minor differences. I decided to not use deformations in mine as almost all tests I was doing with deformed slices was giving me bad results and I also reduced polycount. Reducing polycount made it a little faster on a scanline in my opinion and a bit easier to see it in viewport when you have object selected..
I did mine in the beginning of 2012 as well so yes you are right this isn't a new tool it was there for ages.
I'm working on fading fog when it gets close to camera to get rid of problematic pops. but cant figure out how to do it at the moment as there is no local matrix on the cards and after a bunch of nested transforms it's hard to guess where is the fog in relation to the camera.
Maybe I'll be able to figure out a fake way to measure distance between cards and a camera.
thanks for checking it out again.
I'm looking into using this fakeVolume or TX fog to assist in my Major Project, as rendering would be way too heavy.
I'm looking forward to seeing how this can be used in conjunction in comp with Z depths and such, as well as with GI as a comp newbie.
Thanks for putting it online
founded a little problem, don't knew, maybe it's just in my case, when clicking "Refresh Volume" my subSlice_maskMu lt_0 merge nodes connecting only B input to Mask input, A input stays unused and cards become empty.
fixed this by little changing python script "Refresh volume" button
ch_m1.setInput( 0,nuke.toNode(' Mask'))
ch_m1.setInput( 1,nuke.toNode(' subSlice_Mult_% s' % i))
I just stopped actively developing it since Eddy is way better alternative. But I will update it just to make sure people can get something for free too
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