EZ_Toolset v2.2

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Contributor: Victor Rouillard
This toolset is packed with 20 tools that'll surely help your daily life as a compositor and/or Roto & Paint artist!
14.0, 13.2, 13.1, 13.0, 12.2, 12.1, 12.0 or later
Linux, Windows
06 Jul 2024
The EZ_Toolset v2.2 is out! Bellow, you'll find a list of the nodes and a quick showcase of the knobs.
 2.2 release note: - Minor file and UI updates
 2.1 release note: - Re-uploaded the source file //// corrupted file


(NEW) EZ_Aberration v1.1:
This tool provides a quick way of adding chromatic aberration through separating RGB channels. Stay tuned for further updates including lens parameters and a more dynamic approach.
EZ Aberration IMG
EZ Aberration GIF 
EZ_Backdrop v1.8:
Just a Backdrop, but way cooler. You can adjust colors of both Fill and Border knobs independantly. By default, the Windows version is installed in the toolset, but the Linux preset is also available in the 'EZ_Toolset_ExampleScript.nk' file in the download.
EZ Backdrop GIF



EZ_ChangeRef v1.3:
Easily change the reference frame of any Transform and/or Roto & Rotopaint node on the fly.
EZ ChangeRef GIF1



EZ_ColorMatcher v5:
Match the color of your Ref input in a breeze using the dynamic Zones.
EZ ColorMatcherIMG



EZ_Difference v1.2:
Instantly visualize differences between your inputs.
EZ DifferenceIMG



EZ_Dissolve v1.4:
A regular Dissolve node, but you input the frames in and out rather than animating them. Also, the Tangent knob allows you to tune the slope of the dissolve.
EZ DissolveIMG



(NEW) EZ_EdgeBlend v1.2:
With that tool, it's a breeze to send out precomps. This tool is meant to blend the color of the composition's background with the semi-opaque parts of the foreground. While this tool is still in development, it can surely make your life a little easier.
EZ EdgeBlend IMG



EZ_EdgeRoughen v4.3:
Add detail to your matte, and apply tracking data to the pattern so it sticks!
EZ EdgeRoughen GIF1
EZ_EdgeWork v4.3:
The last edge extend node you'll ever need!
EZ EdgeWorkIMG



EZ_Erode v2.9:
This edge erode and dilating tool allows its user to edit the ramp gradient of the alpha you process.
EZ Erode IMG



EZ_MatteCheck v3.5:
Matte checking tool that's killing it. Visualize particular channels and make the roto process a breeze by seeing the Hard Edge in a single click!
EZ MatteCheck



EZ_MixDetails v2.6:
A smart sharpen tool that can add detail from different inputs.
EZ MixDetailsIMG



EZ_MotionBlur_2D v1.7:
Motion blur tool that feeds in transform data and applys single point motion blur.
EZ MotionBlur2DIMG



EZ_Murk v2.2:
An alternative to Blur node that's just way better for my daily comp use.



EZ_Parallax v1.2:
Multiply values of a transform node to add or substract and create interesting depth.
EZ ParallaxIMG



EZ_SwitchReads v2.5:
A dynamic Switch that's visually more telling than the Switch node. Very useful in large node graphs.
Recording 2024-07-06 at 15.51.51



EZ_TimeOffset v2.2:
TimeOffset tool that's just more user-friendly.
EZ TimeOffset IMG



EZ_RotoTracker v1.2.1:
Have a Transform or Tracker node and want to create a Roto without the cumbersome knob links? There you go! With this tool, you can generate a Roto from a Tracker node AND generate a Tracker from Roto points!
EZ RotoTracker



EZ_4thPin v2:
If you have a Tracker with 3 tracks and struggle to get a 4th for exporting a CornerPin node, fret not! This'll estimate accurately for you.
EZ 4thPinIMG



(NEW) EZ_Packager v3:
This end-of-script tool serves as a one-stop shop for regraining and TechChecking. Using Fabian Holtz's DasGrain node to Regrain the Comp, you can then follow the TechCheck checklist before rendering your shot!
EZ Packager IMG



All my nodes and open source, their license is 110% free for personnal and commercial use, though I'd appreciate a shoutout! For any bug fix request, please comment bellow or message me via LinkedIn and I'll gladely investigate and resolve the issue(s). Cheers!

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victor-rouillard/


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+1 # hukkk huhu 2024-06-11 15:04
EZ_Packager v3 The file is corrupted. Please repackage and upload it again
+1 # Victor Rouillard 2024-06-12 00:19
Thanks for the flag! File's been re-uploaded, cheers!
-1 # hukkk huhu 2024-06-11 15:04
EZ_Packager v3 The file is corrupted. Please repackage and upload it again

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