fxT_disableNodes v2.3

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Contributor: Tor Andreassen
Website: www.fxtor.net
DisableNodes helps speed up your compositing workflow by disabling heavy nodes. You can select nodes you choose to disable, either by the predefined class-buttons, selected nodes or selected class, and then link them together and control the disable/enable from this tool by pressing 'd' for disable. You can also control the ScanlineRender sample values in your Nuke script. Or simply use it as a quick way of comparing before and after grade etc.
13.1, 11.0, 10.5, 10.0, 9.0, 8.0, 7.1, 7.0, 6.3, 6 or later
Linux, Mac, Windows
12 Jun 2022

Useful Nukepedia Tool #9. Explore this video

fxT_disableNodes v2.3

DisableNodes helps speed up your compositing workflow by disabling heavy nodes. You can select nodes you choose to disable, either by the predefined class-buttons, selected nodes or selected class, and then link them together and control the disable/enable from this tool by pressing 'd' for disable. You can also control the ScanlineRender sample values in your Nuke script.
Or simply use it as a quick way of comparing before and after grade etc.



- Seamless integration to the Nuke Menu (including custom icon). 
- Keyboard shortcut to create node (alt+d). 

- Automatic and manual controls for selecting nodes and all nodes of a certain class type.


fxT disableNodes v2.2 




version v2.3

Updated for nuke13


version v2.2

Fixed issue where the original color of the node was not kept when disabling/enabling.
For example if a Blur node had custom color, enabling or unlinking would restore the original nodecolor instead of the custom set color.
Same with groups, which would always go back to default grey color.  This version keeps the original node color when disabling/enabling and unlinking.  Also removed the 'enable/disable' button, as I never really used anything but the 'd' shortcut to disable the node.


version v2.1


- You can now unlink Selected Nodes and all nodes of the Selected Class

- Callbacks now make sure that the node and the linked noded turnes red  when the nodes are disabled and go back to the defalt nodecolor when its enabled. This makes it easier to see what nodes are diabled, so its easier not to acidentlaly  click render before remembering to enabeling the nodes, simply a visual help to remind the comper the fxT_disableNodes is in use.

- Python cleanup, for more efficient code

- User interface updates: removed some buttons for selecting noded that I rarly used, and added a pgBokeh button, update knobnames to more logic names, and updated how-to explination text and tool tips for all knobs.




version v2.0

- Tool is no longer a toolset, its changed to a gizmo. However it's open like a group, for easy access to modifying it on the fly.

- 100% python: All operations are done with python (python buttons). This makes it compatable with all versions of Nuke and all OS'es.

- Added button for selecting all nodes of a certain class (an alternative to adding more buttons of nodetypes with no dedicated button)

- Added support for storing ScanlineRender sample values. One can store the values, and set a temporary value of 1 in all your ScanlineRender nodes - to have them render faster, then when ready to render, pop back the original values by the click of a button.

- Saftey features for the scanline render samples value, you can not accedently replace the values with temp values before your custom samples values is stored.

- The node is no longer dependent on the node's name to function, this mean that you can have as many nodes as you want.

- Node selection updates: Select all nodes of a certain class by clicking a button: Denoise, Defocus, Median, Grain,

  F_Regrain, all MotionBlur nodes, RotoPaint, GridWarp, SplineWarp, All paricle nodes. Or select your custom nodes by hand.

- Updated look/layout on the nodes graphical user interface .

- Better documentation for how the node works, with text in the node for explination and tool-tips with descriptive information. 


Install Notes:

To install the Gizmo in it's own nuke menu with the attached menu icon:  please see attached 'init.py' and 'menu.py' files.
Install the Gizmo and icon files according to the paths in the 'init.py' file, or alternetivly change these paths to your own preferred install location.

Please login in order to download these files.


0 # Michael McReynolds 2014-05-29 15:32
Very strange, when I try to put it in the node graph I get this error.
"'NoneType' object has no attribute 'showControlPan el'"
0 # Tor Andreassen 2014-06-03 21:26
Hi Michael,

this is indeed strange, thanks for reporting.

Are you trying to incorporate this with your current menu.py? if so maybe you left out some commands/files/folders?

If not can you tell me specifically what makes this error occur?
are you copying the node?, changed some code, or did you just copy paste what was in the install file?, what OS and what version of nuke are you using ect.

I was trying to replicate your error by altering the code but could not get that same error, some more details might help me figure out where this error comes from.
0 # Michael McReynolds 2014-06-03 22:00
Hey, thanks for responding. I think this script would be really really useful if I could get it to work.

Went back and copied and pasted directly from the menu.py and init.py into my custom init and menu. I did have to change the /Icons to /icons because I already have a /icons folder. But I think put the icon in the /icons folder and the icon shows up fine.

Here is the exact error message.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
File "/Volumes/roboS loth/_Library/N ukePlugins/Tool s/disableNodes. py", line 17, in disableNodes
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'showControlPanel'

I'm on 8.0v3 and on OSX Mavericks.

I also, just because I can, installed your relinker script and it works great, so I don't think it's a path thing.
0 # Tor Andreassen 2014-06-04 03:13

Thanks for the details,
I replicated your error by removing the Toolsets folder.
The reason the noneType can't find the showControlPane l command is likely due to that it can't find the nukefile inside the ToolSets folder.

Copy the ToolSets with the nuke file inside it to your .nuke folder.
If you already did this, make sure that the path to this nuke script is correct in the disableNodes.py file.

look for this in the .py file and make sure the path is correct:

toolsetpath = os.getenv("HOME ") + "/.nuke/ToolSets/disableNodes_v1.1.nk"

Hope this solved the problem.
0 # Michael McReynolds 2014-06-10 20:17
Hey Tor,
Sorry for the delay. Yes I managed to fix the problem. It had to do with the path for sure. Since we all drop into the same network pool of gizmos and scripts I was trying to install it across the board. It was easily fixed by editing the line
toolsetpath = os.getenv("HOME ") + "/.nuke/ToolSets/disableNodes_v1.1.nk"

toolsetpath = "/Volumes/OurNetworkDrive/PlaceWhereWePutNukePlugins/ToolSets/disableNodes_v1.1.nk"

Cool Tool!
0 # Tor Andreassen 2014-06-12 05:06
Hi Michael,

Glad it worked out, and thanks for testing the other tool!
0 # Tor Andreassen 2015-07-05 22:00
v1.9 Update Notes:
Added more features, and changed the tool from a toolset to a gizmo.
0 # Tor Andreassen 2017-05-15 23:12
v2.1 and v.2.2 Update Notes:

The tool now stores the original color of the node. when the liked nodes are disabled, all the nodes turns red, so its easy yo see that they are disabled. A simple visual que for the compositor so he is aware and dont forget to enable the node before rendering the script. Also removed the disable/enable button as i always used the 'd' shortcut. And more options for linking and unlinking to give full control to the user.
+1 # an cl 2018-06-08 08:55
really nice tool thanks alot :)
0 # Guillaume Charron 2019-02-15 20:38
First, thanks a lot for this gizmo.

I have one request...
Can you add a button to disable the motionblur inside any Transform node(including corner pin, tracker and stabilize nodes)?
0 # Tor Andreassen 2022-06-12 16:18
Hi Guillaume,

Thank you for your request. One could of course do this. However, I don't really think it's safe. There is no auto-feature for warning the user that this has been turned off, so it would be very easy to forget to reset it again when you render your shot, so I belive its safer to do this manually.

If you wanted to turn it off, could do something like this in the script editor for selected nodes:

for i in nuke.selectedNo des():

Hope this helps.
0 # Ox Yaroslav 2022-06-10 08:31
does not work NUKE 13
0 # Tor Andreassen 2022-06-12 16:20
It's now been updated for nuke 13, enjoy!

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