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Contributor: shrimo

1.04 Kb

When standard deep merge fails

03 Jan 2021
Contributor: xmjtx

15.31 Kb

DeepBoolean works like maya's boolean's tool, but for deep in nuke. It works like deepHoldout but more function than that. Intersect mode to keep the deep data inside the geo matte. Subtract mode to holdout the deep data outside of the geo matte. Both support geo matte extrude (erode the terms in nuke) and falloff in 3D space.

10 Jan 2020
Contributor: lucjulien

1.72 Kb

Constant DEEP

19 Apr 2013
Contributor: WouterGilsing

11.13 Kb

A version of the DeepCrop node that allows the user to set a falloff for a soft transition. Can be used to gradually fade off anything that reaches a specific distance from the camera (like anything super close). This can for example be usefull to prevent visible 'popping' when a camera moves through geometry.

10 May 2018
Contributor: xmjtx

4.23 Kb

Soften or filter deep image by similar matrix method.

28 Oct 2020
Contributor: xmjtx

4.18 Kb

Convert Position to Deep

22 Dec 2019
Contributor: lucjulien

4.12 Kb

keymix for deep

05 Apr 2013
Contributor: lucjulien

2.83 Kb

Offset Deep data

09 Apr 2013
Contributor: xmjtx

7.14 Kb

Convert the amount of samples per pixel into colormap visual. Help for troubleshoot, investigate the ground of slow deep tree, or tool development. The setup run by some math & TCL expression, able to run in realtime and fast feedback.

14 Sep 2019
Contributor: xmjtx

5.24 Kb

A tool to manage/remove/optimize deep samples.

23 Sep 2019
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