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5.40 Kb
Variation of Pixelspread with no clamping.
22.08 Kb
While helping a student with a wall replacement shot, got tired of looking around the internet for a simple brick wall texture and decided to try some procedural creation inside Nuke by using only native nodes. Had a lot of fun making this one and learn a lot about Expression Nodes, hope it can be of any use for someone. 1.1 Added a spot light with direction, falloff and intensity controls. 1.3 Fixed some issues with Noise Nodes showing Overlays when they shouldn't and replaced them with Expression Nodes. Long Demo here:
6.49 Kb
proWrite custom nuke write node streamlines project organization and boosts efficiency by automating folder creation, file naming, and nuke project script backup with render.
2.98 Kb
Using SmartVectors and VectorTransform node, set to output STMAP, to drive an animated mask, that can be used for marker removals, color corrections and etc.
8.93 Kb
this node is for archiving an image for quick review of shots in OS browser without need to open sequences in a program such as Nuke or etc..
7.06 Kb
You can plug Facebook cubic 360 video to input it will converts it to youtube spherical 360 video or any vr compatible video
3.32 Kb
Allows you to shift pixels that are close to alpha edges
2.03 Kb
create your di matte name using the drop-down list and click on the new
0.97 Kb
This is an adjustable rainbow effect that can be layered on top of your image.