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Contributor: Fleduc71

6.16 Kb

This Gizmo lets you see on screen the RGB and Luminance (Y) values of a sampled area (Sample Width, Sample Height) May not work on LINUX (some font access issues) Will post again when I find a way (if there is one) to make it work on both windows and linux

25 Nov 2013
Contributor: srinathactor

4.37 Kb

Edge push is used to Slice your last pixel of your Core source

24 Dec 2018
Contributor: PetarBG

15.94 Kb

Used to do a circular Distort on an image. Geared for creating eyes and shockwaves.

25 Apr 2019
Contributor: PetarBG

2.35 Kb

This gizmo lets you use the luminance of an image or plate as a map to drive distortion.

25 Apr 2019
Contributor: BazingaOG

5.27 Kb

Simple gizmo that mirrors edges of the image in all directions. Useful when working with camera shake etc

14 Aug 2018
Contributor: Shahidgire

3.02 Kb

Make Normal Map from 2D Images

26 Oct 2022
Contributor: londfilmguy

0.86 Kb

This is a simple tool that will Fix Inf and Nan values in your image. By default it will replace Inf values with white and Nan values with black. However, there is functionality in the tool that allows you to replace these values with any colour that you like, into the red, green, blue and alpha channels respectively.

10 Nov 2016
Contributor: creatogether

12.35 Kb

Often when we work in Nuke, we miss something we’ve been spoiled with by Adobe – this time Layer Styles. Let us introduce to you our Nuke replicate of Adobe Photoshop’s Layer Styles. We dissected the most commonly used layer styles and put them into a handy gizmo that can either act as Merge node, directly applying the styles, or create the styles and shuffle them into separate channels, preserving them for later use.

17 Feb 2013
Contributor: aliehtemami

32.49 Kb

Realistic Tilt-shift lens simulator

26 Dec 2017
Contributor: anman

5.14 Kb

A tool to check your roto or key that 10+ different ways to view your matte, with customizable features.

19 Jun 2020
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