6.09 Kb
Restore colour information of the semitransparent edges of your comp.

5.27 Kb
Simple gizmo that mirrors edges of the image in all directions. Useful when working with camera shake etc

4.37 Kb
Edge push is used to Slice your last pixel of your Core source

70.22 Kb
A handy tool for making extrude effect in nuke. You can change the position, coloring and shading of the Extrusion. You can also aplly a fake 3d lighting look which looks good enough for simple text and sign stuff. :DD don't extrude too far.

8.06 Kb
Fast implementation of iDistort and STMap for UV's with high complexity/detail

7.06 Kb
You can plug Facebook cubic 360 video to input it will converts it to youtube spherical 360 video or any vr compatible video

5.53 Kb
A custom node that launches ffmpeg and convert sequences.

7.55 Kb
A little gizmo for removing those random pixel fireflies / hot spots you sometimes come across in renders.

0.86 Kb
This is a simple tool that will Fix Inf and Nan values in your image. By default it will replace Inf values with white and Nan values with black. However, there is functionality in the tool that allows you to replace these values with any colour that you like, into the red, green, blue and alpha channels respectively.

2.73 Kb
Makes your input look pixelated/lowres while keeping original bbox/resolution