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Contributor: [email protected]

51.80 Kb

Generate a matte from the ID and the Coverage Pass, like the Cryptomatte

17 Dec 2019
Contributor: chetalvfx

1.83 Kb

Through this Gizmo you can create Fresnel Matte.

20 Nov 2019
Contributor: Birdainain

17.35 Kb

Alpha driven refraction of light, can be use bend the light for convex and concave surfaces or just split a ray into a rainbow.

08 Aug 2019
Contributor: Birdainain

8.21 Kb

Based on Richard Frazer gizmo (, slightly modified and updated to have more user friendly controls for key framing and uses Kronos instead of oflow as the retiming method. Can be used to patch areas obstructed by objects, requires at least two 'clean frames' for an area. Very useful for dealing with organic objects and minor parallax in patches.

19 Jul 2019
Contributor: CreativeLyons

4.95 Kb

Displays Filepath of topmost read node over the image. Useful when viewing sequence contact sheets / matching shots.

18 Jun 2019
Contributor: PetarBG

5.79 Kb

This tool allows you to distort any plate or image using paint brush strokes.

25 Apr 2019
Contributor: PetarBG

8.67 Kb

Exponential glow using glow node to allow tolerance control, tint, saturation and more.

25 Apr 2019
Contributor: PetarBG

15.94 Kb

Used to do a circular Distort on an image. Geared for creating eyes and shockwaves.

25 Apr 2019
Contributor: PetarBG

4.99 Kb

A more comprehensive and accurate heat distortion for nuke.

25 Apr 2019
Contributor: PetarBG

2.35 Kb

This gizmo lets you use the luminance of an image or plate as a map to drive distortion.

25 Apr 2019
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