Image RSS
5.31 Kb
Protect copyright of your comps! Add watermark to them
34.08 Kb
Check if pixels' value is negative or correct, between 2 values, ...
4.37 Kb
Edge push is used to Slice your last pixel of your Core source
6.09 Kb
Restore colour information of the semitransparent edges of your comp.
61.79 Kb
A Pixelize tool that alow you to use different styles of pixel to create screen effect. you also trun the mix to 0 to use it to create blocky effect.
1.19 Kb
Creates undistorted UV Map in all available project formats with optional overscan, simple and straight forward
5.27 Kb
Simple gizmo that mirrors edges of the image in all directions. Useful when working with camera shake etc
5.42 Kb
project a seamless texture using the 'Point Position' and 'World Normal' render passes available in most 3D rendering engines.
1.68 Kb
Easily crop out everything you plugged into a contact sheet.
1,181.19 Kb
A custom render node that allow you to render out GIF animations.