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Contributor: chetalvfx

0.67 Kb

It may sometime happen that you render your scene with some colored background. With this kind of image there is always an issue with edge while doing pre-multiplication. Through this Gizmo you can easily deal with this kind of problem.

03 Jul 2019
Contributor: CreativeLyons

0.65 Kb

Contact Sheet that Automatically resizes according to number of inputs. Inspired by Ben McEwan's blog post.

18 Jun 2019
Contributor: PetarBG

2.13 Kb

Stack merges with an 'over' operation to create better looking thicker smoke.

25 Apr 2019
Contributor: drerjon

8.86 Kb

Auto compositing -Connect a CG element in 'A' input -Connect a BG plate in the 'BG' input Attribute Effects 1- Haze Effect 2- Control Colors (Balance Forgraund) 3- Re-Grain 4- Transform (Forgraund) 5- Motion Blur 6- Merge Control (Balance Background ) 7- ReTime

05 Jul 2018
Contributor: johnnyvfx

3.15 Kb

A simple node that can set all your Merge or Keymix nodes bounding box to (A, B, union, intersection).

27 May 2017
Contributor: dekekincaid

2.01 Kb

his fixes the issue when your background color is anything other then black. Just pick whatever color the guys in 3d or matte painters gave you and Walla! the funky color fringe is now gone. 1.0.2 Added an sRGB knob to do the operation in sRGB instead of linear.

22 Feb 2017
Contributor: elbetored

10.51 Kb

pixelate transition

27 Jun 2016
Contributor: hugarkay

38.10 Kb

Breakdown_Accordion is a tool that can make some shot's breakdown, max layers are 20.

01 Dec 2015
Contributor: seankalra

0.95 Kb

Merge node with an option to input the first and last frame to have it on.

18 Sep 2015
Contributor: chetalvfx

2.77 Kb

RGB_light gizmo provides facility to Compose RGB light pass (directIrradiance) to Diffuse pass.

09 Jul 2014
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