3.63 Kb
This is the Dynamic Remove Node as per request on the front page. Add will add knobs, remove will remove them. Let me know if you experience any bugs.

9.43 Kb
This gizmo allow to premultiply your RGB correctly even when your alpha doesn't match with own RGB input. Added knob that allow you to blur the edges restored Fixed colorcorrect knob issue

5.79 Kb
A simply gizmo that allow you to manage better your channels embedded in your input file. V1.1 has been released: - Add Reset Mask button allowing you to put in off all the mask inserted before - Removed issue with 'ret' variable in the script

5.07 Kb
matte copy helps to shuffle an alpha channel from one input to a new user-defined channel to the other input. this gizmo also gives stencil and colour overlay feature to cover various usage cases.

5.89 Kb
Matte QC is a gizmo to check user-defined mattes in the comp stream or exr files as random colours overlay, and also lists the name of matte channels.

6.75 Kb
Provides you with 27 pre-shuffled RGB channel combinations to instantly compare for luma keys or tracking, with additional grading and sharpening tools built-in.

3.67 Kb
Simple but nice and useful Depth Keyer

34.21 Kb
Convert existing Vector Displacement Maps to desired DCC/Renderer.

4.53 Kb
The CopyChannels gizmo makes it easy to stream custom named channels into to pipe of nuke.

4.28 Kb
Generates Z-depth information from 2D images. Works quite well with landscapes, but terribly with anything else.