Image RSS
8.67 Kb
Exponential glow using glow node to allow tolerance control, tint, saturation and more.
15.94 Kb
Used to do a circular Distort on an image. Geared for creating eyes and shockwaves.
8.93 Kb
this node is for archiving an image for quick review of shots in OS browser without need to open sequences in a program such as Nuke or etc..
1.19 Kb
Creates undistorted UV Map in all available project formats with optional overscan, simple and straight forward
20.96 Kb
A 3D representation of the color cube (3D LUT)
18.83 Kb
Generates an UV mapping for a given format
7.04 Kb
Put 4 mattes in a single tif file (as 3D cg index/id pass)
32.85 Kb
Slate & overlays with many advance options, flexible and customisable.
5.31 Kb
Protect copyright of your comps! Add watermark to them